March 19, 2008

Zonker has Closed up Shop.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:22 pm

I learned of this from Elisson.

Damned shame that Zonker has called it quits, but I’m really not all that surprised, because it appears that Life 101 has significantly cut into his blogging time. It could also be that blogging didn’t seem to be enough fun to be worth the time. In either case, despite my sadness at seeing Thunder and Roses close down, I completely understand.

Typically, bloggers “meet” online and become cyber friends. In rare cases, cyber friends get to meet in the real world (sometimes called, unflatteringly, the “meat world”). For me, it was the other way around with Zonker. I met him for the first time in Helen, Georgia in 2004, where he showed up without knowing a soul, and no one there (including me) had ever read his blog. Within minutes, he was one of the gang.

Since that time, I have been in his company at blogmeets in Jekyll Island, Tennessee (a couple times), Austin, New York City and most recently again in Helen. He manages to be a consummate gentleman and an ass-kicking party animal all at the same time, which is to say that he can seamlessly move from a serious discussion to wearing a mullet wig, fake tattoos or, most recently, devil horns, and it all works. Zonker is the guy who bought the dirndl that Velociman sported to everyone’s side-splitting delight in Helen last year (pic creds to Sam).

As a writer, he is among the best. He could dash off hilarious material, fire off a memorable rant, and occasionally tear someone a new asshole. Good stuff – all of it.

I will miss him in the Blogosphere, but he will remain a good friend in the “meat world,” and that’s a good thing.


  1. I think you said it all Jim. Of course I will add (for the benefit of the ladies who haven’t met him) that he is a sweetheart.

    Comment by Teresa — March 19, 2008 @ 9:10 pm

  2. Fugghedabout closing up shop…when I see him and/or speak to him next, *I* will tear him a new asshole for not being able to come to New Jersey for the BlogFest….I mean, for Zeejus’ sake, even I am sullying myself to go to the GAHden State. This closing up shop bullshit…it shall not go unpunished.

    Comment by Erica — March 19, 2008 @ 9:51 pm

  3. He is one nice person, A couple years ago a few days before Christmas, my phone rang and it was Zonker calling to send his wishes while on his way to visit his family for the holidays…

    It is easy accepting his departure as a blogger as he did the right thing and weaned all of us for a few months before calling it quits…

    Needless to say he will be missed on the net…

    Comment by jerry — March 19, 2008 @ 10:08 pm

  4. Well said, Brothah.

    Comment by Elisson — March 19, 2008 @ 10:08 pm

  5. Well said but also way too kind, Jimbo. Quite frankly, I’m bowled over by the fact that I’ve met fine people such as yourself…and all thanks to this crazy blogging pastime. While I won’t be able to attend the Jersey meet next month, I do plan on visiting you folks sometime in the next few months. Thanks again for the kind words!

    ps: And an extra helping of thanks for taking down the picture originally included with this post. 😉

    Comment by zonker — March 20, 2008 @ 5:22 am

  6. Don’t forget to call when you do plan on coming up north. It is a shame you won’t be at this blogmeet but you will be with us in spirit!

    Comment by Kate — March 20, 2008 @ 8:01 am

  7. What I don’t understand is how all y’all can say all these wonderful, and true, things but neglect to mention those eyelashes of his….holy cow!


    Yes, he will be missed……and he damned well better still be makin’ some blogmeet rounds…

    Comment by Tammi — March 20, 2008 @ 8:39 am

  8. yep, out of the goodness of his heart he sent me a link to the computer security he uses which has stopped most of my PC headaches..and this from a man I just had a few minutes to talk to at Helen last fall…but bloggin’ is kinda habit formin’ and my bet is he will be back as soon as he can

    Comment by GUYK — March 20, 2008 @ 12:29 pm

  9. Speaking of blogmeets, why are all the goodest ones over there on the other side of the world?
    Yes, I am too damnably lazy to drag my carcass cross-country, but this was always a given. But seeing all of y’all in the “meat” sense… this old broad has her dreams.

    Comment by LeeAnn — March 20, 2008 @ 1:02 pm

  10. As a non-blogger – Zonker will be missed. We had some great times in Helen & Tenn. over the past 3 years and I’m sure I will be seeing him again.

    Comment by The Body Guard — March 22, 2008 @ 1:55 pm

  11. It sucks when work interferes with blogging.

    LeeAnn – We have one in Texas every year. Is that closer?

    Comment by Denny — March 23, 2008 @ 10:34 pm

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