March 22, 2008

Bill Richardson’s Call to Hillary.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 1:09 pm

obama-richardson.jpgBill Richardson, former presidential candidate and Bill Clinton’s former energy secretary and ambassador to the United Nations, called Hillary just before publicly endorsing Barack Obama for the presidency. According to Mr. Richardson, the conversation “got a little heated.” James Carville, a longtime Clinton attack dog, wasted no time in making a not-so-thinly-veiled comparison between Richardson and Judas Iscariot.

Of course, PRS Operatives managed to obtain a transcript of the call, which is as follows:


Richardson: Hello, Hillary?

Hillary: Speaking. Who is this? Bill? Bill Richardson? Long time no hear.

Richardson: Yeah, Bill Richardson here. I wanted to talk with you …

Hillary: How are you Bill? We’ve been calling for days now, and we didn’t hear from you. Is everything OK with you?

Richardson: Yeah, Hillary. I’m fine. I’m calling, because I need to tell ….

Hillary: Everything OK with the family?

Richardson: Yes. Everything is fine. Please, I have to discuss something with you.

Hillary: Hey, what are friends for? Go ahead.

Richardson: Well, the thing is – I will be endorsing Barack.


Richardson: Hello? Are your there?

Hillary: Goddamned Sp*c!

Richardson: What did you say?

Hillary: You heard me, you miserable turncoat prick! This after all my husband did for your sorry ass? Hell, he even spent Super Bowl Sunday watching the game with you, eating a shitload of nachos and chicken wings and listening to your bullshit!

Richardson: I’m sorry, but I wasn’t comfortable with the tone of the campaign lately.

Hillary: Bullshit! You kissed my ass big time for the Vice President spot, and now I guess you figure you have a shot at it with the black guy. You’re an asshole. You’re going under the same bus his grandma did! Piece of shit!

Richardson: I thought you said we were friends.

Hillary: Friends? Don’t make me laugh, you wetback turd.

Richardson: I’m sorry you feel that way, Hillary.

Hillary: “Hillary?” It’s Senator Clinton to you, asshole. And, when I become President Clinton, the only goddamned job you’ll get in this country is picking lettuce!

Richardson: Well, I guess that’s that. Good bye and have a happy Easter, Senator.

Hillary: Eat shit and die.



  1. Judas? Naaa, he got more than twenty pieces of silver…I am betting a spot on the ticket that Hillary is reserving for someone else..

    Comment by GUYK — March 22, 2008 @ 1:59 pm

  2. Oh my. “Wetback turd?” Hairboy…really quite over the top, that. I swear, you must eat peyote or some shit before you sit down and write this stuff. It’s really f**king funny.

    Comment by Erica — March 22, 2008 @ 2:04 pm

  3. Bravo!

    Comment by Kevin — March 22, 2008 @ 2:33 pm

  4. Richardson? I thought that was Sam the Sham.

    Comment by Cousin Jack — March 22, 2008 @ 9:34 pm

  5. Yep. Probably happened just that way. In fact, I got a buddy working for DHS that says it did happen just that way. (But, hey, that’s just between you and me. ‘Kay?)

    Comment by joated — March 22, 2008 @ 10:13 pm

  6. Too funny

    Comment by LeeAnn — March 22, 2008 @ 10:59 pm

  7. ROFLMAO!!! That’s good stuff…

    I should come here for the news. Its much better than the crap I read through the MSM and probably more accurate too. 😉

    Comment by Bou — March 22, 2008 @ 11:17 pm

  8. My husband is laughing too. He said to me, “Your Jersey buddy has written stuff before. He’s funny!” I read it to him, taking on the different voices.

    Comment by Bou — March 22, 2008 @ 11:21 pm

  9. Add-vlice from DPRK’s Great Reader, KIM JONG IL to
    Nuevo Mlexico’s Bill Witchardson:

    Yule be sorry yoo double clossed the Clinton’s, you
    self-serving Rio Grande scooba-diving mudder-pucker!!!

    Ruv yoo loong time!
    KJI, Pyongyang NORKO

    Comment by JihadGene — March 23, 2008 @ 11:43 am

  10. Based on comments attributed to her in other books by many Authors……..your letter was considerably mild in tone & vulgarity. Hillary the Sewermouth!!

    Comment by dudley1 — March 23, 2008 @ 9:02 pm

  11. ROFLMAO!!!!
    Gotdamn do you crack me up with this stuff.

    Comment by Maeve — March 24, 2008 @ 4:45 pm

  12. Well, by todays news it lloks like Richardson might get something…not that he is qualified and not that is isnt a big turncoat and butt kiss (“I had to choose Obama for the sake of the country.” ??? he dumped her after he used her and Bill Clinton both, but it does look like nobama will give him a few crumbs. Dont forget if not for the hispanic vote…nobama would have lost. Oh well, I see keep all the jerks on the same team. I do still think Hillary should tell em all where to go.

    Comment by tess — November 14, 2008 @ 11:23 pm

  13. Richardson has screwed all the New Mexico taxpayers in on way or another. Where in the hell are the various law enforcement agencies. The media is confusing the Spanish people with the Mexicans, illegal or otherwise. Wetbacks and Bill Richardson are not welcome in New Mexico…period.

    Comment by SAM PATESTA — July 28, 2010 @ 9:26 pm

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