A Chelsea Morning.
Recently Chelsea Clinton, in the course of responding to a question involving Monica Lewinsky, which was posed by an undergraduate, Chelsea noted that she has made speaking appearances (largely question and answer sessions) at approximately 70 college campuses.
I cannot help but wonder if the starry-eyed, college kids who flock to these events to hear Chelsea tout her mother’s socialist agenda, which demonizes corporations and business entities like hedge funds, realize that they are listening to someone who is on leave (paid?) from her job with Avenue Capital, a hedge fund. I wonder if they know that hedge funds (investment funds open to seriously rich investors that makes speculative investments and often huge profits, by avoiding the regulation that applies to regular mutual funds) are perhaps the ultimate embodiment of Capitalism.
John Edwards, another fomenter of class warfare and supposed champion of the little guy, spent his time between failed elections working at a hedge fund.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m a free market capitalist. If Chelsea can grab a gig that pays an estimated 100 – 150K a year and if John Edwards can earn boatloads of money working at a hedge fund, more power to them. I just think it would nice if the kumbaya college kids were aware of the hypocritical bullshit they are being spoon fed.
The sad thing is none of those starry-eyed college kids really have a clue as to what Hillary’s socialist agenda is all about — all they will do is look around at each other nodding their heads in agreement.
Hence the term, “monkey see, monkey do.”
Comment by Braden — March 30, 2008 @ 7:03 pm
… you know, when you think about it long enough, it actually makes you almost want to move……. not sure to where, but still…. it twigs the immigration vibe……. unfortunately, I can’t think of anywhere better to go….
Comment by Eric — March 30, 2008 @ 8:33 pm
The fact be that the socialist leaders figure that what they preach don’t apply to them..just us poor huddled masses of ignorant sheeple
Comment by GUYK — March 30, 2008 @ 8:55 pm
If you said “hedge fund” to most any college kid, they’d get a blank look on their face, their jaw would drop open while they stared vacantly for a minute, then they’d turn and walk away shaking their head at “the old fart talking about gardening – cause isn’t “hedge” some kind of tree thing?”. Heh.
Comment by Teresa — March 30, 2008 @ 9:30 pm
All I have to say about this little twit is: 1) If I had parents such as hers, I would have disowned them years ago and 2) someone as BUTT ugly as she should truly try to spare all of us from her hideous visage! Sorry, cheshire, why don’t you go smoke a doobie with that ignorant little slut, amy carter, and leave running the gummint to the the adults. My.God.I’m.Sick.of.the.Pandering.Assclowns!
Comment by Lee — March 30, 2008 @ 10:58 pm
Nah – I think the starry-eyed college kids are busy staring at The Nit’s cosmetic surgery.
Comment by Suzette — March 31, 2008 @ 12:21 pm
At least she’s “taking questions” now. Look, I know she has to support her mommy’s run for office, but I don’t believe she’s all that thrilled about it. Not unless, of course, mommy’s paying her as much during her LOA as she got while working.
As for the college kids, they’re as gullible now as they were in high school and spouting the same rhetoric they heard back then. I should know, my daughter is blathering on with the same crap (ouch!)
Comment by Da Goddess — March 31, 2008 @ 6:51 pm
But, but, but… Mrs. Obama said to go into non-paying jobs. At least that’s what she said in Zanesville.
Comment by Cappy — March 31, 2008 @ 7:55 pm