Michael J. Doherty, My Hero.
On any given day, getting a whiff of fresh air escaping from the New Jersey Political Swamp is about as likely as getting hit in the cruller by a piece of space junk.
Yesterday was Space Junk Day.
Republican Assemblyman Michael J. Doherty issued a press release urging Governor Corzine to put a hold on the promulgation of regulations called for by the Global Warming Response Act, which was executed and heralded by the Governor last year.
The Global Warming Response Act mandates a reduction greenhouse gas emissions of 20 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050 and it would unleashes the regulators at the Department of Environmental Protection to get together with regulators at the Board of Public Utilities, the regulators at the Department of Transportation, the regulators at the Department of Community Affairs and “other stakeholders to evaluate methods to meet and exceed the 2020 target reductions,†which, as sure as the sun comes up, will result in an orgy of regulation writing.
Assemblyman Doherty, bless his heart, stated in his press release:
There are many credible members of the scientific community who have questioned the theory of global warming, and now we have some scientists actually suggesting the earth’s temperatures may be entering a period of dramatic cooling…With this growing level of scientific uncertainty, it makes no sense to enact a new set of economically damaging regulations prompted by the global warming hysteria of recent years.
New Jersey’s tax and regulatory climate is already chasing jobs from this state left and right and these new regulations will make matters worse … Rather than conforming our policies to questionable scientific theories, we should be looking at the concrete economic indicators that show our state’s economy is in trouble. And we should be taking steps to help people who are losing jobs and being forced out of their homes by this state’s anti-economic growth agenda – not making matters worse. [emphasis in original]
I suspect that Assemblyman Doherty will be shouted down or ignored by the Governor and the creeps in Trenton, but DAMN, I’d like to buy him a beer!
Thanks to Mark, a welcome reader and a former Jersey resident.
I’ll drink to that!
Comment by Ken Adams — August 15, 2008 @ 8:59 pm
The whole Global Warming thing just annoys the hell outta me. What a total crock o’ shit.
Thank you for letting me vent.
Comment by dogette — August 16, 2008 @ 8:33 am
I’m thinking Mr. Doherty should look into hiring himself a bodyguard… he’s a very brave man!
Comment by Teresa — August 16, 2008 @ 12:41 pm