Betente Do Descanso de Parkway.
In browsing through my referral logs, I notice that someone used Google to translate my page into Spanish. It is quite a shocker to see a clutch of things that one wrote translated into a different language. I know that sounds dumb, but that was my initial impression. I have read some German translations (I have some facility with German), and the translation is often very literal and therefore often very wrong and sometimes quite funny. Not knowing more than a dozen words in Spanish, I cannot tell how accurate this translation is. All I know is that I think it looks pretty cool.
I particularly liked the names of some of the sites (those for which a translation was possible) on my blogroll. Can you figure out which sites these are?
Não completamente chá e Crumpets
Tigre (an easy one!)
Check out the whole page.
After all that, I could really go for a burrito and a beer.
Update: I have been advised that the language is Portuguese, not Spanish. I have now removed any doubt about my ignorance of both languages.