February 19, 2004

Politics at the Rest Stop.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 10:11 pm

I have been trying to avoid writing much political stuff for a few reasons. First, others, who write almost exclusively political pieces, do it much better, Second, because, although I am very interested in politics, I am too tired by the end of most days to deal with the verbal combat in the comments section that seems to come with the territory of political blogging. Third, in today’s highly charged political climate, I find myself becoming increasingly angry with the other side, whose hatred of the President seems to have stripped them of their reason and civility. Finally, I find that writing about it all seems to only make me even angrier and frankly, I didn’t start blogging to be angry all the time.

Oh I am certain that, from time to time, I’ll write something political, but I hope it will be the exception rather than the rule.

Kim, at Velociworld, apparently is of like mind. He generally writes about things non-political, but occasionally he turns on his political high beams and produces an excellent read. I, therefore suggest that you take a look at “Who Are You Kidding?” It is a gritty indictment of those Republicans who claim to be so disaffected with the President that they will not vote in November. (Note: He and I will both be voting on Election Day.)

Speaking of politics, Dale, at Mostly Cajun, has written a great piece called “Why I am Not a Democrat.” (scrolling down to the title may be necessary). Go read.


  1. At the risk of becoming a fixture (read: pest) in your comments, I have to say you’ve said it for me too. I have strong feelings about politics and follow a lot of it closely, but I’m trying to do my own thing at the blog (dogs, politics, rant, dogs, silliness) so as to keep from being angry all the time. Post-9/11 changes may have something to do with my “write about whatever I want no matter what, life’s too short to be angry every minute” mode.

    Comment by topdawg — February 20, 2004 @ 6:27 am

  2. The problem is that by moving the debate to the level of emotion and vitriol, the other side has conned their constituents into bypassing the troublesome application of logic and judgment to political questions. Once that happens, all that the emotive people vote for is the brand name on the candidate, regardless of the candidate’s positions.

    Comment by Dan — February 20, 2004 @ 10:17 am

  3. Thankee, Jim. It’s unfortunate I get so vexed. I could calm down and probably be a pretty decent professional political pundit, but I see it as a zero sum game. I doubt any political column has ever changed one person’s mind. They do serve to reinforce the like-minded, but what the hell?

    Comment by Velociman — February 20, 2004 @ 6:51 pm

  4. Like the link to Mostly Cajun’s

    “Why I am not a Democrat”

    but when I read (scrolling down to the title may be necessary) it brought to mind of an image of myself in the past when I was wont to labourously scroll down a “super” page trying to find something. 😉

    TODAY I use the search on page funtion of the Edit button. Takes me RIGHT to what I want.

    I can’t say enought about the person who showed this semi-computer literate how to do this.

    Most of Y’al may already know this function, but some may think WAY cool! this is going to save some headaches. 😉

    Comment by Dan Kauffman — February 21, 2004 @ 7:52 pm

  5. Polls, Surveys and Other Meaningless BS

    Now, I don’t usually venture into political posts (I’m in the same boat as Jim at Parkway Rest Stop, who discusses this very subject in a recent post), but one cannot live on smartass-ey quips alone, so indulge me while…

    Trackback by TLHines.com: Chocolatey Goodness — March 1, 2004 @ 3:48 pm

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