Comcast Trubs.
My incoming Comcast e-mail is not working and has not worked since Friday afternoon (outgoing is OK). I was hoping that the problem was Comcast’s, but given the duration of outage, I’m thinking that something may be wrong at this end.
I’m about to call Comcast.
Have mercy on me.
Update: Holy Shitsky (as they say in Russia) …. It took fewer than four minutes to speak with a human, and it took her about three minutes to determine that I had a corrupted e-mail that was causing a massive e-mail traffic jam, sort of like a cyber-stenosis, for you medically minded folks. Once she deleted the turd in the cyber punchbowl, a veritable tsunami of e-mails resulted, including spam, of course.
I suspect that the Satanic Red Triangle sent me the stinker. Curse you Satanic Red Triangle.
Its probably a plot of your evil laptop! babababaha!!
Comment by Bill — March 8, 2004 @ 9:24 pm
The Satanic Red Triangle sees all and knows all…
Comment by mtpolitics — March 8, 2004 @ 10:08 pm
I suspect that the Satanic Red Triangle sent me the stinker. Curse you Satanic Red Triangle.
You are correct puny human. bwahahaha…
Comment by Satanic Red Triangle — March 9, 2004 @ 10:41 am
That’s not the only problem that Comcast is having. Several NH users have been having connection problems (I’m setting a record since last Friday – I’ve been online for almost 30 minutes without having to reset my modem!).
Comment by bogie — March 9, 2004 @ 11:45 am