March 31, 2004


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 12:37 am

I just returned home from attending an after work dinner for a good friend and colleague with whom I have spent a good deal of time (including lunch time) every workday for the past 13 years. Over the years, we laughed at everything imaginable, shared sorrows, and listened to each other’s rants. I have known for months that he would be leaving at the end of March, but I remained in steadfast denial about it. We rarely discussed it, but I knew the day would come, and so it did today.

The party was great. There was plenty to eat and drink. There were also lots of jokes, and I even brought the guitar and played and sang a goofy song that I wrote for him. At rock bottom, however, it was sad. I hate see him leave. I will miss him terribly.

Good luck, Joe.


  1. Jim:

    The song was great-I just read the lyrics! I too am in denial, but I know that you and I will always be friends. I can’t ever remember trusting someone as much as I do you. I am blessed with a good family, even two brothers (lost one though), but if I could pick a brother, it would be you (okay, at least a first cousin). THANK YOU!!!!!

    Yor pal,


    ps As an ex-smoker, I know it is hard, but you and that BABE you are married to really should try to quit. Finally, at some point I really want to be invited to hang for a day at the POST with the USUAL suspects.

    Comment by joe — March 31, 2004 @ 6:51 pm

  2. You have an open invitation, my friend.

    Comment by Jim - Parkway Rest Stop — March 31, 2004 @ 8:27 pm

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