April 7, 2004

Fonts Gone Mad.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 10:29 pm

Testing to if my fonts are goofy on this post too. Hey, maybe that’s why I got no content. Bad fonts.

Update: The fonts on my blogroll are now teeny. WTF? I think it’s that farookin Pie Post.

Another Update: I give up. It’s time for Mr. Recliner and a nice CAO Corona. If the fonts are still screwed up tomorrow, the PIE goes.


  1. Fonts are fine as I view you on Internet Explorer. They’re small on the pie post, but o.k. elsewhere.

    Small on the pie post? Wasn’t that a song by Creedence?

    Comment by Jack Bog — April 8, 2004 @ 1:14 am

  2. Using parenthesis instead of brackets, the code on the pie page (which you cut-n-pasted) says:

    (A HREF=”http://quizme.stvlive.com/pie/quiz.php” target=”_blank”)(CENTER)(IMG SRC=”http://quizme.stvlive.com/pie/pecan.gif” WIDTH=”300″ HEIGHT=”100″ BORDER=”0″)(BR)(FONT FACE=”verdana,arial,helvetica” SIZE=”1″)find your inner PIE @ stvlive.com(/A)(/CENTER)

    HTML 101 says “Close tags you open.”

    Since there’s a (CENTER) tag, you need a (/CENTER) tag… Check.

    However, you’ve defined a font with (FONT FACE=”verdana…” SIZE=”1″), but it isn’t closed with a (/FONT) so everything that follows is Verdana Size 1.

    Type (/FONT) before “Can you tell…” and you should be OK.

    I imagine that everyone that’s cut-n-pasted the same code has had the same problem.

    Comment by pogue — April 8, 2004 @ 7:14 am

  3. Score:

    Pogue – 1

    People who created the Pie Thing – 0

    Thanks, Pogue!

    Comment by Jim - Parkway Rest Stop — April 8, 2004 @ 8:30 am

  4. Pogue is about as smart as they come.

    More importantly, though, I am blueberry pie. And suddenly, I am extremely hungry.

    Comment by zombyboy — April 8, 2004 @ 7:02 pm

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