April 9, 2004

Good Friday.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 2:27 pm

I know that it is generally considered bad form to refer to previous posts. However, on Good Friday last year, I had written a post, entitled “Good Friday and Granny.” I went back to look at it today, and I enjoyed reading it again, so I thought you might as well.

Update: Thanks to Cousin Jack for pointing out that my linkage is stinkage. I fixed the link to the “Good Friday” post to point to the right place. Sorry ’bout that.


  1. You’re right – it is a great read! How lucky you are to have had a Granny like that. While I’ll always love and respect all my Grandparents – you gotta know the only hell raising done in my family was by me. 🙂

    Comment by Tammi — April 9, 2004 @ 7:51 pm

  2. Granny’s at http://www.parkwayreststop.com/archives/000387.html. For some reason your link was sending me somewhere slightly different. Anyway, happy Easter from a guy who is proud to have shared a Granny with you.

    Comment by Jack Bog — April 10, 2004 @ 5:24 am

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