Take a Minute…..
Please take a minute out of the day to remember those who died so that we all may live in freedom.
And, if you’re having a nice day, find a vet and say “thank you.” I guarantee it will make you feel good, and it will make the vet feel wonderful.
That is all.
I live with a vet, so saying “thank you” is going to make me feel REAL good.
Heh heh.
Thanks for the reminder, gorgeous.
Comment by Emma — May 30, 2004 @ 9:54 pm
[This post will remain up top through Monday, with updates as often as I find them – Russ] There have been many excellent things you should read (or which ought to be re-read) for Memorial Day this year. John of…
Trackback by TacJammer — May 30, 2004 @ 11:31 pm
Memorial Day in the Blogosphere
A roundup other bloggers’ Memorial Day posts in no particular order: My Memorial Day 2004 post. John Donovan Alphecca has a photo essay. Dean Esmay has several posts. Up for Anything Baseball Musings Freedom of Thought Arguing with Signposts Mudville…
Trackback by Backcountry Conservative — May 31, 2004 @ 1:06 pm
I thanked the vet in the photo on my blog. My grandma said he had a huge grin when he read it.
Comment by Sarah — June 1, 2004 @ 6:05 am