MT Blacklist Skullduggery.
Jacob, at Another Recurrence, warns of us yet another nefarious scheme being perpetuated by the Pieces of Shit of the World comment spammers.
Apparently, the Creeps have taken to including the targeted blogger’s URL among the “Penis Enlargement†and “Refinancing†URLs that appear in their scumbag comments. If you have a knee-jerk reaction to these things (as I do), and immediately instruct MT Blacklist to smoke the spammer and his cyber-droppings, you will end up Blacklisting your own site and deleting all of your own recent comments.
Jacob describes the latest antics of these “Wastes of Oxygen†as follows:
Among the advertising URLs, he included a link to my own website. Not reading closely, I added the links en masse to my blacklist, unwittingly adding to my own list of banned sites! Fortunately, I caught the addition just before running a scan and delete of my archives. Had I not, I would have deleted all of my own comments from recent entries.
Even I, a non-Geek speaker, can see that it is a good idea to carefully check out all the URLs that appear in comment spam in order to be sure that I don’t end up blocking my own comments.
Rat bastards.
I just had my first spammer, and while I wax poetically (at least in my little mind) about how excited I was, I’m also getting ready to install the MT Blacklist and keep those puppies outta there!
Thanks for the heads-up on this. Being a trial and error blogger, I can use ALL the help I can get!
Comment by Tammi — July 14, 2004 @ 7:49 am