This Ain’t Fun.
The last 72 hours have been marked by a seemingly endless stream of comment spam. I think this has been the most protracted attack ever. Every time I turned around, fifty more would turn up. In each case, after having successfully entered the offending URL into MT Blacklist, I could see from the Activity Log that, but for catching them early, the fifty would have been eight hundred.
In the process of trying to hold back the tide, I know that I accidentally deleted about a half dozen recent comments (e.g. Shamrocketship, Rob, Velociman, Mike, Azygos and others). The good news is that it appears that I realized my mistake in time to prevent the good-guys’ URLs from being Blacklisted. However, if you find that your comments are being bounced, please send me an e-mail, and I’ll fix it.
I know that Rob has been hit pretty hard too, and he seems undaunted by it (I figure he’s too stoked about his trip). For my part, I must say that constantly having to deal with these intrusive maggots takes the fun out blogging.
This may be all you see of me tonight. I’ll probably be too busy dealing with the cyber-vermin.
Sorry, Jim, that you’re experiencing this. I suppose it’s the price of fame? My comment was a lame one about last night’s comic strip and how it didn’t seem like “you” posting it.
In other news, a friend I spoke with tonight (OK, I spilled all my recent troubles on) commented to me that the universe seems F**KED lately and that I’m (we’re) not alone in our misery . . .
Comment by Shamrock823 — November 18, 2004 @ 10:07 pm
I thought I’d been banned. I’m sorry the bacteria have focused on you and I thank you for your good thoughts about tomorrow. It really is a piece of cake and I’m really looking forward to it. Thanks again.
Comment by Mike Hill — November 18, 2004 @ 11:17 pm
I’m getting slammed as well. I’m damn tired of de-spamming my site multiple times a day. Damn Tired.
Comment by Sam — November 19, 2004 @ 11:38 am
We’re all suffering from this crap. Don’t feel bad if you deleted a comment from me. I never have anything intelligent to say anyway.
Comment by Velociman — November 19, 2004 @ 1:07 pm
Pixy fixed this problem for all of Munu by changing the name of comments.cgi to something else.
Comment by Tig — November 19, 2004 @ 3:41 pm
Dag Gone Spammers
I’m seeing everyone is having these spammer issues. In the 10 minutes it took me to write that last post, I got slammed again. Only this time they didn’t hit my old posts. They hit yesterdays. And they don’t use…
Trackback by Tammi's World — November 26, 2005 @ 11:23 am