Speaking of the Piano…
At one of the many Christmas, holiday, almost winter, end-of-year, seasonal get together parties I have recently attended, I had the good fortune to do a couple tunes with this most excellent musician, singer and performer. Some of the people at the shindig who had previously seen me do the guitar thing twisted my arm requested that I sing with Dee Cannizzaro. Being an exceedingly shy guy a ham extraordinaire, with a couple cocktails in me, I gladly did so. It would not be an understatement to say that singing with Dee’s piano work was like rolling off a log. She’s excellent.
Because of my years of banging around the music business, I am often asked by friends and associates for recommendations for hiring musicians to play at affairs in the New Jersey area. After having heard her play and sing, I can easily and confidently recommend Dee. She is an accomplished pianist and vocalist, who is comfortable performing a wide variety of music.
You might want to check out Dee’s website, where you can hear samples of her work. She also performs with a band, and you can hear that on her site as well.
On top of it all, she’s a very nice person, and I hope to catch her act again some time.
Glad to see you got out and enjoyed some culture. I was beginning to worry about you after the asparagus pee and sock episodes.
Comment by Shamrock — December 19, 2004 @ 8:04 pm