Fish Head Music.
In the previous post, I noted that, unlike most Garden Staters, I have a fondness for country music. The fact is that I like all sorts of music, except, of course, rap, which is not music, or the techno “club†crap that one often hears in overcrowded, overpriced
meat markets night clubs in the Jersey-New York area. I have been flattened by live music ranging from Rolling Stones concerts to a Drum and Bugle competition (which, frankly, came as a surprise to me). Hell, when I was in Helen Georgia, there was a guy on the main street playing the zither. I hung around for about a half hour listening and wound up buying a couple of his CDs. (Turns out that his name is Toni Noichl, and if you noodle around in Google, it is obvious that he is a big-time zither player.)
Anyway, one other type of decidedly non-Jersey music that I like is “Fish Head Music,†which has been played for twenty-five years by the New Orleans-based band, The Radiators. It is quite impossible to simply describe the Radiators’ sound, which is often marked by unusual rhythms and non-traditional blues licks. They rock! While every band member is an amazing musician, to me the standout is guitarist Camile Baudoin (No names like that in Jersey). When I saw the band in concert several years ago, I was stupefied by Camile Baudoin’s mastery of the guitar.
These guys have been playing together for twenty-five years, and it shows. You might want to check on the band’s home page for concert dates, and if they are playing in your area (probably a snap for Christina, Dash, and Dale), buy a ticket (they’re not expensive) and go listen to some Fish Head Music. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
Hey, Jim. When are ya coming down for a concert? You have a place to stay.
Have you ever heard of Gruene Hall, the oldest dance hall in Texas? Travolta filmed part of the movie “Michael” there.
It’s less than five miles from my front door.
Next month: Charlie Robison, Delbert McClinton, Bret Graham, Cory Morrow and many more.
We call it Americana music around here.
Just Sayin’.
Comment by Christina — January 9, 2005 @ 4:56 pm
Delbert McClinton!! I believe that I have every record Delbert has ever done. Blues, rock, and country…he sings the shit out of everything. Damn, that looks like a great saloon too. I love a good saloon.
Comment by Jim - Parkway Rest Stop — January 9, 2005 @ 7:33 pm
Jim, Charlie Robison is no slouch either!
Comment by Randy — January 9, 2005 @ 8:29 pm
Gruene (pronounced Green) Hall is awesome, Jim. You’d love it. The artists love playing there, too. Delbert McClinton is one of my favorites. Charlie and Bruce Robison from Bandera play there a lot. I already told you about Jerry Jeff Walker. Willie even comes in to play about twice a year. I saw George Thorogood there a few months ago. He brought down the house. You need to make a road trip.
Comment by Dash — January 9, 2005 @ 9:10 pm
Sorry, this is the only FishHead with which I am familiar:
Comment by jmflynny — January 10, 2005 @ 10:09 am
I see The Radiators are playing in Hoboken in February . . . you going?
Comment by Shamrock — January 10, 2005 @ 8:25 pm
Jim!! You didn’t expect to be flattened by the sound coming from a Drum and Bugle Corps?! Oooops on you! When and where did you see them? And, if you have any idea, who did you see? Hell, you could probably make an entire post out of it! There is lots of information and pictures (&c.) at (junior corps) and (senior corps). I marched with the Reading Buccaneers, and while we weren’t terribly good (in my esteemed opinion) there were times we would rehearse music inside a school and my ears would ring afterwards for hours. It is indeed fun!
Comment by Auskunft — January 10, 2005 @ 10:20 pm
Aus –
Actually it was many years ago, and I believe it was the National Competition (held in New Jersey). I can hardly remember the names, but I do recall the Santa Clara Blue Devils, the Racine Kilties, the Hawthorn Caballeros (naturally), and a local outfit, the Golden Knights, or something like that. When the entire corps faces the audience and plays fortissimo (farookin’ full blast) I swear I could feel my face vibrate. It was really great stuff. Naturally, I was also taken by the fantastic drum lines.
What also knocked me out was the crowd, most of whom really, really, really knew about drum and bugle corps stuff. Rabid fans.
It was a great experience.
Comment by Jim - Parkway Rest Stop — January 10, 2005 @ 10:28 pm