February 13, 2009

Meet My Piece of Shit Senator.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:33 pm

Yes, that would be Frank Lautenberg, the cadaverous jerk. At least he gets points for honesty. He will vote for the Stimulus Bill Shit Sandwich even though he admits that he hasn’t read it. As for the other Piece of Shit, he’ll vote for it too, as sure as day becomes night, even though there is no way he read it either.

Look, I know the reality is that legislators often vote on bills they haven’t read, but given the huge price tag of this Bill, its massive scope and the long range effects this legislative time bomb will have, this is one they ought to have damned well read.

My contempt for these two knows no bounds.

February 12, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 11:25 pm

Tonight I attended a county-wide American Legion meeting. Those in attendance included Caucasian and African-American men and women veterans, including one female Navy Captain on active duty. The subjects on the agenda were various programs to help veterans and children.

There was no discussion of politics, because politics doesn’t matter when one is in a room full of genuine patriots.

It was a refreshing break.

February 11, 2009

Where’s Hillary?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:38 pm

The other night, during The One’s bullshitfest press conference, he gave shout outs to a couple members of his administration. One name notably absent was “Hillary Clinton.” The One has given the high-visibility foreign assignments to “czars” and pals — even Joe the Maroon Biden (a self-proclaimed foreign policy expert). Perhaps Hillary will be sent to negotiate a peace treaty with The Duchy of Grand Fenwick.

Obama has a history of throwing people under the bus, but in Hillary’s case it seems she’s been relegated to the back of the bus.

Cracks me up to see that Bill and Hillary were outfoxed by our Chicago Politician-in-Chief.

Warning: Your Head May Explode.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:53 pm

Wrong, you despicable mutt. Some of us care, and we care a lot. I fervently hope that New Yorkers care enough to boot your ass out of office when your term expires.

You’ll have to find a real job, which would be a first for you.

February 10, 2009

Love – Hate Relationships.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 10:54 pm

I think it’s fair to say that anyone who maintains a blog likes to have readers. If not, one might just as well write his silly shit in a notebook and keep it under the bed. I loves da peeps who read this baloney. Having said that, I must say that some of my readers and “friends” are sadistic rat bastards.

Yo, Jimbo. That’s pretty harsh, no?”

No, it’s not, when you consider that I have made no secret of my being scared shitless of alligators. These prehistoric monsters make my goddamned skin crawl.

You would think that people who give up a piece of their time to visit this place would be sensitive to my fears (which, by the way, are completely rational, thankyouverymuch), but nooooooooooo.

Not a week goes by without one of these toids sending me an e-mail that invariably contains a link to a horrible picture or story about goddamned alligators. This sadist, who happens to live in Africa, never misses an opportunity to scare the shit out of me with photos of either a gator or a croc gobbling up some sorry ass animal. Bloggers such as the Wiseass Jooette have even invested her own money to buy my a gift for the sole purpose of torturing me. Same goes for this guy.

Another blogger called me on the phone, real time, laughing her ass off while describing a bigass gator crossing the road in front of her car. Yeah, that’s right. She called me from fifteen hundred miles away just to break my stindeens about a large pre-historic beast crossing the road. WTF? Hell, a few days ago, another blogger posted a farookin’ revolting picture, knowing that I would see it.

Some even invade my own blog to torment me with alligator shit.

The foregoing is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Suffice it to say that there are legions of shithooks out there who just can’t wait to send me stuff about alligators, knowing that it will loosen my damned bowels.

The clincher may have come this week from reader Dick, who sent me a clip that I could not bear to watch until the end. ACK!!! Go ahead and watch it, but PLEASE don’t tell me if anyone of those assholes got his head bitten off.

Despite all the abuse, I still appreciate all of youse who stop by — even the rat bastards.

February 9, 2009

Carl Rules.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 11:56 pm

When I find myself thinking that I’m Mister Smarty Pants of the World, I like to pop into Carl Brannen’s site to see what he’s thinking about. My visits are both humbling and therapeutic, because they always serve to remind me of how little I know about some things. A pass through the comments is even more humbling when I see that there are peeps out there who understand exactly what he’s talking about.


Don’t worry; there won’t be a quiz.

February 8, 2009

Dear Senator Specter:

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 2:21 pm

Last night, I sent e-mails to Senators Snowe and Collins of Maine and to Senator Specter from Pennsylvania, the three Republican Senators who reportedly were leaning in the direction of voting in favor of the dreadful “Stimulus” Bill. In each case, I respectfully shared my views on the bill and urged them not to vote for it.

In short order, I received two robo-replies via e-mail, one from Senator Collins’ office and one from the office of Senator Specter. The reply from Senator Collins’ simply acknowledged receipt of the e-mail and indicated that a response would be forthcoming if I had requested one (I had requested one).

The response from Senator Specter suggested that, because I am not a Pennsylvania resident, I should not expect a response and that perhaps I should not bother him, but rather deal with my own Senators. Here is the pertinent portion of the e-mail for the office of Senator Specter:

(Please do not reply to this email)

Thank you for taking the time to contact me.

I receive a large volume of E-mails, phone calls, faxes and letters every week from concerned citizens like yourself.
Unfortunately, due to the high volume of mail, I can only respond if you’re a resident of Pennsylvania. If you need to find out who your U.S. Senator is please go to www.senate.gov.

Golly, Senator, I apologize for wasting your time, but I am a U.S. Citizen, and I wrote to you because you are about to put your fingerprints on a monumentally horrible piece of legislation that will affect citizens in all fifty states, not just Pennsylvania. In fact, it will affect future generations of citizens of all fifty states, not just Pennsylvania. I foolishly thought that you might want to hear what supporters of your party think of the Bill.

As for my Senators, I assure you I know their names, and I do write to them from time to time. There is no point in writing to them about this Bill, because, if they had their way, the Bill would be twice its size.

I suggest that if you are going to vote with the Democrats on this Bill, you might just as well change your party affiliation, because I want no part of this Bill, or any so-called Republican who votes for it.


February 7, 2009

Rahm and Barack — “The Stimulus Problem”

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 1:04 pm


Barack: This is the President of the United States, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, the Leader of the Free World and the Most Powerful Man on the Planet speaking.

Rahm: Cut the f**kin’ shit, Barack, it’s me.

Barack: Hey, Rahm. Wassup? Can we make this brief? Did you know I can get any goddamned movie I want here? I don’t know how they do it. You caught me in the middle of watching “Shaft.” I f**kin love that move. “This cat Shaft is a bad mother –“

Rahm: Barack…..

Barack: I think I wanna carry a gun, just like Shaft. “Who’s the cat that won’t cop out, when there’s danger all about….. Shaft!” Damn!

Rahm: Barack, listen to me. We’re having problems with the Stimulus Package.

Barack: What kind of problems?

Rahm: The f**kin’ republicans and even the f**kin’ press; they’re bitchin’ about some of the shit in the Bill and people are beginning to pay attention.

Barack: What kind of shit is in there that they’re bitchin’ about? Nancy said it’s a good Bill.

Rahm: Are you f**kin’ shitting me? You’re talkin’ to me, Barack. There’s tons of shit in there. Surely you’ve read it.

Barack: Of course, I haven’t read it. The thing is damned near seven-hundred pages long, Rahm. What the f**k?

Rahm: Well, we’re gonna have to do something. The shit’s unraveling in the Senate.

Barack: Who is making trouble up there?

Rahm: This prick, Inhofe from Oklahoma, is running his mouth, and people are paying attention.

Barack: But, the focus group liked the Bill.

Rahm: That focus group shit is two f**kin’ weeks old! Are you f**kin’ listening to me? We have a f**kin’ problem with this Inhofe guy.

Barack: OK, tell the asshole I’ll meet him one on one on television.

Rahm: I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to debate a senator on television.

Barack: I’m not talking debate. I’m talking basketball. One on one. I’ll kick his ass. Ever see me hit those three pointers? I f**kin’ rule!

Rahm: Jesus, Barack. That’s the dumbest f**kin’ idea I’ve ever heard.

Barack: OK, smartass. You’re supposed to be the baddest guy on the block. Just f**kin’ fix it, and don’t f**kin’ bother me with your bullshit problems. I’m trying to watch a f**kin’ movie.

Rahm: OK. OK. I’ll f**kin’ handle it.

Barack: Oh, and check on the gun thing and maybe a cool black outfit too. “This cat Barack is a bad mother –“

Rahm: Yeah, I’ll get right the f**k on it.

Barack: Rahm?


February 6, 2009

Another Outage Update.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:24 pm

As many of you know, Craig of mtpolitics.net (the nicest guy in the Blogosphere), has voluntarily undertaken the care and feeding of this blog since January 16, 2004, when he moved PRS from BlogSpot. Yes, it’s true. This Jersey blog resides in a magic box somewhere in Montana. Over the years, Craig has patiently, and with good humor, put up with my dumb questions and occasional cyber-doofus hysterics.

About a year or so ago, the webhosting service, without notice, “SUSPENDED” its service, publicly giving the impression on its obnoxious, bullshit screen that it was owed money. Wrong. The problem then was “too much spam and the algorithms in Movable Type used to block spam.” To placate the knuckleheads at the hosting service and one hysterical knucklehead in New Jersey, Craig switched this site to WordPress. Since then, he has done a couple WordPress updates for me, each time tolerating my stupid questions and hysterics.

As a result of the most recent turd tossed our way by the hosting service, Craig will be moving our sites to a new webhost. As such, there may be some outages while he works his techno-magic and while I stumble around trying to do the one or two things I have to do (change the host name somewhere or other – I forget).

So, if the place goes dark, or shows up in purple and yellow, you’ll know that my good friend Craig is somewhere in Montana again getting my shit together.

I cannot thank him enough.

February 5, 2009

Message to Veterans.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:56 pm

Since you left military service, you’ve held your hand over your heart during the playing of the National Anthem, during the Pledge of Allegiance, during the raising or lowering of the colors, or while the colors were passing by. You showed respect in this manner, because a military salute was reserved only for military personnel in uniform.

Now, thanks to a Congressional Amendment sponsored by Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, members of the armed forces and veterans present during such occasions, but not in uniform, may render a military salute.

Senator Inhofe has said that “Veterans and service members continue representing the military services even when not in uniform. The U.S. Code is now consistent for Veterans and all service members in regards to the symbolic gesture of the military salute.”

Thanks, Senator Inhofe. Much appreciated.

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