January 9, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:47 pm

Current events are toxic.

Television “news” (all of it) is toxic.

The blogosphere is toxic.

I have a rotten cold, and I’m toxic.

I’m not playing today.

I may not play tomorrow.

That is all.

January 8, 2011

Tragedy in Tucson.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:25 pm

No snark here today in view of the horrific shootings in Tucson, which resulted in Representative Gabrielle Giffords being critically wounded and the death of several others, including a federal district court judge and a nine-year old child.

My thoughts are with the victims and their families.

January 7, 2011

I Wish …

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 11:38 pm

Thanks to da Chef a da future.

January 6, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:18 pm

Today I find myself sneezing, coughing and blowing my nose about a gazillion times. Needless to say under those conditions, blogging is not on the top of my list of things I want to do. That being said [a hackneyed phrase: I confess], I thought I would share something well worth the couple of minutes to watch.

We often hear people screech about having the “right” to this, or the “right” to that. For example, I am floored by people who claim to have a “right” to broadband internet service. If that’s true, let’s toss in the “right” to a smartphone, free automotive repairs, a free 52 inch flat screen TV and a free Hawaii vacation.

In order to re-screw your head on correctly, take a listen to Walter Williams discuss what constitutes a “right.”

He is, of course, absolutely right.

January 5, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:17 pm

I got nuttin’. I’m tired.

Maybe tomorrow, Peeps.

January 3, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:49 pm

During George W. Bush’s two terms as President, not a day went by without some loudmouth on the Left shrieking, “He’s shreddddding the Constitution!” Presumably, this blather was driven by what one can only assume was a reverence for the document allegedly being “shredded.”

One would think that the very same shriekers would welcome the Republicans’ stated intention to open this session of Congress by actually reading aloud the Constitution, the document which each and every elected representative has taken an oath to “preserve, protect and defend.” Unfortunately, bad sadly predictably, the Left views this as a Republican gimmick and has characterized the Constitution as nothing more than an old scrap of parchment that is impossible to understand with no relevance to the world today.

Where did all the Bush Era shriekers go?

If you are sufficiently illiterate to understand the language in the Constitution, despite its age, or if you believe the Constitution lacks relevance because iPhones and Twitter didn’t exist at the time of its creation, you should either take the time and effort to educate yourself, or stick to watching network TV shows and leave the important things to the grownups.

It’s pretty simple. If the Constitution means nothing, then the federal government can do whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes, however it wishes, to whomever it wishes. We appear to be heading in that direction.

It’s time for all Americans to shriek.

January 2, 2011

New Year’s Resolutions of the Rich and Famous.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 4:20 pm

Always at the ready and on top of things, PRS Operatives have managed to obtain the New Year’s Resolutions of several world class assholes, infamous turds, well known people.


Helen Thomas: I will publish my autobiography, entitled “Those Friggin’ Joos!”

Chuck Schumer: This will be the year when I will get into Nancy Pelosi’s bloomers. I know she wants me.

Matt Damon: I will spend more time sharing my awesome knowledge of climatology with the world.

Cher: Seeing as how this year I finally completed memorizing the multiplication tables, I will try for the fifth time to get my G.E.D.

Harry Reid: This year I will change my image. I’ll get a pair of those aviator glasses that look like mirrors and a few tattoos, maybe a skull or eagles or something, and I’m going to demand that I be called “Hank.”

Barbra Streisand: I’m going to call Hugh Hefner and ask why he refused my request to be the Playmate-of-the-Month. I think he must be an anti-Semite or some shit.

Barack Obama: I will focus lake a laser on the most critical issues of 2011. First and foremost, I’m going to work on my golf game with the goal of breaking 100 on the front nine.

Michael Vick: I’ll buy a dozen cats. Might be fun.

Queen Elizabeth: I shall return the iPod to that dark skinned young fellow who is president of the colonies along with a note reminding him that he isn’t worth the sweat on Winston Churchill’s ass.

Gerry Brown: In 2011, I will make California … like … groovy.

Michelle Obama: I will limit myself to organic donuts so that, by the summer, I will be able to pose for the press in my sequined thong.

Joe Biden: I will go on that TV show to prove to the world that I am as smart as any damned fifth grader.

Update: A bit of clarification. Queen Elizabeth may be many things, but she is not an asshole. I was momentarily thrown off track because her resolution involved an asshole — a serious and dangerous asshole at that. Apologies to the Queen.

December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:52 am

Best wishes from the House by the Parkway (South) for a happy, healthy, prosperous and safe New Year.

See youse guys in 2011.

December 30, 2010

I’m the Rubber, You’re the Glue …

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 6:07 pm

I really didn’t feel like writing yesterday or today, so I am happy to share a link sent to me by my pal Mike of Lost in the Details. It is a compilation of the 100 Greatest Movie Insults. I got a kick out of them. The one that made me laugh out loud contains the word “lollipop.”

N.B. This compilation is decidedly NSFW, and if you are offended by numerous F Bombs (even though in my view they are well executed) and other words commonly thought to be offensive, do not click on the link. Otherwise, click and enjoy.

December 28, 2010

How About a Visit to a Romanian Women’s Prison?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:16 pm

No, really.

These are photographs taken by the inmates of a women’s prison in Romania. The living accommodations are not like those I would expect to see in most women’s prisons in the U.S., but never having visited a women’s prison in the U.S., I can’t say for sure. Some of the women are very attractive, some not. There are, predictably, several women who presumably benefit by looking more like men than they do women.

I found the photos to be strangely fascinating.

A couple are NSFW.

via The Ultimate Insult

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