Here’s an Obamabot saying that she voting for The One, because Mitt Romney is a “socialist and a communist.” I’m sure that this woman will not only vote, but, even worse, she will also reproduce.
… and a flaming asshole. He reminds me of the know-it-all, shitfaced loudmouth who sits at the end of the bar and shouts down anyone who foolishly decides to engage him. Unfortunately, Paul Ryan was a captive audience to Bloviating Joe and his debating partner, Martha Raddatz.
Voter enthusiasm? I, for one, am prepared to crawl over hot coals to vote The One and his pack of rats out of office.
Take a look at a 360 degree interactive panorama of Mars taken by the Curiosity Rover. You can see Curiosity itself and the tracks it has made on the planet’s surface prior to shooting the photo. Go full screen.
This is amazing stuff. Hell, I remember Sputnik 1, the Russian satelite that kicked off the space race in 1957. We were dazzled by this “thing” that was circling the earth and not doing much more than transmitting “beeps” back to earth. Since that time, we’ve had men walk on the moon, numerous space shuttle flights, we find our way from place A to place B with the help of satelites, and now I am sitting at my computer looking at a color picture of the surface of the planet Mars as if I were there.
Don’t tell me the United States is not exceptional.