March 27, 2010

Bag of Ill Wind.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 5:26 pm

Here’s what The One had to say about individual health insurance mandates during the campaign.

The mainstream media have always ignored his mendacity, and those of us who have been on to this guy from Day One have simply come to expect it.

March 25, 2010

A Thousand Words.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 10:26 pm

Swiped from C&S

“Scare Tactics”

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 3:55 pm

One of the main talking points of the The One and his co-conspirators in government and the mainstream media is to refer to the use of “scare tactics” by those who don’t approve of the government controlling our health care system. Which is why it really frosts my stindeens every time The One refers to a letter he received telling a heart-rending story about a person suffering and dying as a result of the actions of an evil insurance company and uses it to bolster his argument for the federal government’s control of the health care system, but when confronted with the legions of horror stories emanating from countries with nationalized health care (e.g. here, here and here), he either ignores them or refers to them as “scare tactics offered up by “fear mongers.”

The man is beneath contempt.

March 23, 2010

An Archetypal American Story and an Unsolicited PRS Recommendation.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:11 pm

Over the weekend, I had to good fortune to have dinner at Anthony’s Trattoria in North Brunswick, New Jersey. My daughter and son-in-law had eaten there before and suggested that it would be a good place for us to enjoy a casual BYO dinner. The restaurant, which is located in a strip mall, is easily spotted because of the life-sized statue of a happy, rotund chef holding a sign bidding people welcome. As it happened, the owner, himself, met us at the door with a warm welcome and escorted us past the pizza making section to the dining room in the rear of the restaurant.

After introducing himself (his name is “Al”) and opening our bottle of wine, he told us that he has been the owner since December. He offered that food has always been his passion and that he decided to “go for it,” in December. He smiled when he said that he hadn’t taken a rest since then. His face lit up when describing some of the special dishes the restaurant serves that one wouldn’t normally expect to find in a place that also has what appears to be an active pizza business. He went on to enthusiastically described his plans for future specials.

I didn’t ask whether any particular event (e.g. an unintended, unforeseen “career change”) caused him to buy the restaurant, as it really doesn’t matter. All I could see was an American guy (who turns out to be from the town in which the House by the Parkway is located) taking all the risks, financial and otherwise, to make a go of it with a small business, working murderous hours, dealing with the inevitable daily crises, and loving every minute of it. I also saw four or five people who were gainfully employed by virtue of him having taken those risks.

I couldn’t help but think that that’s the way America is supposed to work. If Al provides good food and good service, his business will succeed. If not, his business will fail. Capitalism in its purest form.

The good news is that his business should surely thrive. He is a gracious host, his wait staff is knowledgeable, friendly and efficient, and the food and atmosphere were superb and everything is very reasonably priced. If you’re ever in the North Brunswick area (not far from Rutgers), pick up a bottle (or two or three) of wine and head over to Anthony’s Trattoria and be sure to say hello and shake hands with Al, an American who is living his dream, and who will happily share it with you.

You won’t regret it.

March 22, 2010

Bowed but not Beaten.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 6:58 pm

The Constitutional Republic, as envisioned by the Founders, was brutally assaulted yesterday.

I am sad and very angry at the moment.

Regular blogging will resume tomorrow, maybe.

March 21, 2010

The Detestable Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:47 pm

Recently I have seen way too much of the thoroughly obnoxious Congresscreep from Florida, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, on television. She is a one-trick pony.

Any Republican: Looks like pretty lousy weather today, Debbie.


Any Republican: The soup could be a little hotter, don’t you think, Debbie?


Any Republican: I have an annoying headache.


That is one humorless harpy right there.

March 20, 2010


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 1:09 pm

Swiped from Tigerhawk

March 19, 2010

The One and The Nancy — A Peek Inside my Cruller.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 11:47 am

It is particularly difficult to maintain a sense of humor at this time when unprecedented assholery in Washington abounds.

After a good deal of reading and reflection, I have come to the conclusion that our President, The One, is a committed Marxist. In order to come to that conclusion, one need only read what little that has been revealed about his background (including his own statements in books he has claimed to have authored) and take a look at those with whom he has chosen to associate for his entire life.

He certainly won’t admit as much, and I truly believe that he might well honestly rebel from such a characterization. Still, his background (to the extent we know it) and his actions, to date, leave little doubt about what he has in mind for the country and it’s not good, except, of course, for those people who really will get “free” stuff and the politicians who grow rich and powerful by seizing money from others in order to give them the “free” stuff.

To my friends who voted for The One: Is this what you had in mind?

OK, so assuming that The One is a class-warfare Marxist (Is there any doubt?), what are we to make of Speaker of the House Pelosi? Is she too a dedicated Marxist? Is she purposefully making confetti out of the Constitution? I don’t think either applies in her case. I have heard her speak, and I can only come to the conclusion that the woman is an idiot. She’s not smart enough to understand Karl Marx’s theories and she damned sure has never read the Constitution.

She started out as a local political hack with good connections. By shaking the right hands and kissing the right asses she somehow rose to the top of the heap. And now she’s leading the charge to destroy the health care system and plunge the nation into hopeless debt.

The woman is two heartbeats away from the Presidency. Chew on that for a minute.

I thought it was impossible for me to loathe any politician more than I loathed Bill Clinton, but compared to the Marxist in the White House and the blithering idiot in the House, Bill Clinton was a goddamned prince.

That is all.

March 17, 2010

Here’s Mood in Yer Oiye!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 11:44 am


March 16, 2010

Tired, Crabby and Devoid of Anything Interesting or Amusing to Say.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:42 pm

That about sums it up.

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