August 4, 2009

Just Plain Reckless.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:43 pm

How else can one describe it?

We have congressmen voting on bills they haven’t read (another one surfaced today, complaining that it’s just too hard to read all that stuff, poor guy) with the only goal being to cram legislative garbage down the throats of the American people before they’ve had a chance to learn what’s in the damned bills. This multi-pronged frontal assault on the country has included the Bullshit Stimulus Bill, the Cap and Trade Bill and now the Healthcare Reform Health Insurance Reform Bill (Note the morphing of the bill’s name — sort of like “Global Warming” becoming “Climate Change”)

The latest kick in the teeth is that we have blown through a billion dollars on the Clunkerf*k program in less than a week’s time, and the Administration wants another two billion dollars RIGHT AWAY or the sky will fall. The bill has already passed in the House and now the Senate is considering whether to authorize the additional money for the program.

Can we take just one goddamned minute to think about how any sane person would approach such a request?

Suppose you invested $5,000 of your own money (money that somehow survived a tax attack) in a business venture to be operated by Tom and Dick. After operating for a very short time, Tom and Dick tell you that they need $10,000, or they will have to close up shop.

Any rational person would want to know what results were produced with the initial investment before ponying up twice again as much. Pretty fundamental stuff, methinks. Hell, ask your grandparents about “throwing good money after bad.”

I like to think that there are one or two members of the U.S. Senate who might ask for such information before voting to “double down” with our goddamned money.

The kicker is that even if there are one or two U.S. Senators who are rational enough to want to see what the original one billion dollars produced, it turns out that the Administration has refused to provide the information.

I guess it’s another case of, “Just shut up and pass the goddamned bill.”

I love the smell of transparency in the morning.

2010 can’t come soon enough.

August 3, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:06 pm

Behold the federally mandated destruction of a functioning automobile. Yes, the dealers are required to put sodium silicate into the gasoline oil (sorry for the initial mistake) of the “clunkers” for the purpose of causing the engine to seize. Watching this Volvo’s death rattles was plain depressing. I can only imagine how it affected someone for whom that Volvo would have been a Godsend.

The Clunkerf*ck Program, in my view, proves several things:

1. It’s real easy to give away lots of “free” money real fast.

2. The government should not be in the new car business.

3. The government should not be in the used car business.

4. The government absolutely should not be in the healthcare business.

The CEO of Edmunds, who knows a bit about the car business, doesn’t think any more money should be put into the program. I agree.

Velociman summed it up quite well.

That is all.

“Public Option” — Not the End Game.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 6:29 pm

I know that this has been around for a couple days, but I know that some folks who are not big internet prowlers stop by here, and I want them to see it.

They damned sure won’t see it on the network news.

Note: To those not familiar with Washingtonspeak, “Single Payer” = Nationalized Healthcare.

August 2, 2009

Well, Today it’s Pouring Again.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 1:16 pm

That should make it a good day for writing. I thought about a couple things I might write about, but it just wasn’t coming together. Happens sometimes. I think I’ll read instead.

Maybe later.

August 1, 2009

It’s Not Raining!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 12:29 pm

I’m outta here to hang with the Usual Suspects.

We can have a few cocktails, swim stand around in the pool and talk about what a laugh riot our mandatory end-of-life counseling sessions will be, if The One gets his way.

July 31, 2009

My Politics These Days … In a Word.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:27 pm


July 30, 2009

Bits and Pieces.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 5:35 pm

Some quick hits, because I’m too ragged out to write anything more complicated.

1. I know that my friend, the Joanster, has a case of the ass with Jersey Peeps who move to Florida, so I wonder if she had something to do with this.

2. Recently, The One came to Jersey to lend his support to Governor Corzine, who, so far, is not faring well against Chris Christie, former federal prosecutor. Turns out that The One could just as well have stayed home. Sweet.

3. Who ya gonna call? Dipshits.

4. Preemptive Refusal: Just in case The One was considering inviting me to the White House for a beer, this is to let him know that I’ll be sure to have something else to do on that day.

5. Prince Charles inspects the troops.

July 28, 2009

Tommy Emmanuel — Wow!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:12 pm

I can’t believe that I’ve been around this long and only heard of Tommy Emmanuel last night. My buddy Mike, the Computer Maven, emailed me a link to one of this Aussie guitar wizard’s You Tube videos, asking if I had ever heard of him. I opened up the link and spent the next hour listening to various performances, each one more jaw-dropping than the next.

In one of the videos, Emmanuel takes questions from the audience. One of the questioners asked about the percussion he adds to many of his tunes by scraping and smacking his guitar. He revealed that he is also a drummer and demonstrated some of his technique.

You can see his percussion skills full blown in his performance of Mombasa.

While you’re at it, don’t miss Classical Gas.

Just, wow!

July 27, 2009

Congressional Horse’s Ass.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:23 pm

John Conyers, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, is one of the Poster Children for Term Limits.

I will let this creep’s words speak for themselves.

July 26, 2009

A Day at the Drag Strip.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 6:03 pm




It was hot as hell, and there was no shade to be had. I’m beat, and my cruller is cooked.

Still, it was a great day to have the chance to see our buddy Willie take a few very short Sunday drives at 155 mph in his funny car, which is pictured above.

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