Speaking of Good Blogs.
I have added the following two blogs to my blogroll. They are there because I read them regularly, and I trust that you will like them as well. Please give them a look.
Serenity’s Journal. I found this blog via Sgt. Hook, a gentleman of discriminating taste, whose reading suggestions are always on the money. Serenity’s Journal, authored by a military brat who is also a vet, is funny, often fiery and pulls no punches.
My So-Called Blog. I am personally acquainted with the author of this excellent blog, as he is a friend of daughter TJ and her husband. In fact, My So-Called Blog was the first blog I ever read, back when I would have guessed that a “blogger†is something that is lodged in one’s nostril. The author, an American who for the past couple years has been blogging from the former Soviet Union (in Azerbaijan and Georgia), where his job was to teach our Russian friends how to “do†democracy. Having left that gig, he is currently wandering around Russia, taking in the scenery, looking for another equally offbeat gig, and sharing his thoughts with the world in his blog, which clearly deserves a wider audience.
This is a must read. Besides, how can you not read a blog written by a guy who sometimes actually wears a monocle?