Take Me Off Your F***ing List!
This is an absolute scream and, in a sense, speaks for all of us in the cyber-age.
Note: There is sound and the use of language (i.e. the “F” word) that might offend some folks. Please consider that before opening.
This is an absolute scream and, in a sense, speaks for all of us in the cyber-age.
Note: There is sound and the use of language (i.e. the “F” word) that might offend some folks. Please consider that before opening.
Mark Steyn in his column entitled “So it has come to this – a choice of scandals,” absolutely has to be read in its entirety. He puts a spotlight on the disparate American media coverage of the Bush and Kerry “scandals” and ends this terrific piece of writing with:
“If character is the issue, Bush can relax. And, if doing your bit for national security is the issue, then John Kerry’s been Awol for two decades.”
Via Power Line
This important information appeared on the front page of the New York Times Website earlier today:
Thirty-five years before he would land on the carrier Abraham Lincoln in a flight suit, igniting a political storm, the future commander in chief was issued a duffel bag, six pairs of cotton drawers, a pair of black combat boots, a flight cap and some United States Air Force insignia tape, among other supplies and clothing.
To Mr. Bush’s previously known arrest record up to that point in his life — a misdemeanor charge, later dropped, for a prank at Yale in 1966 — the documents added that he was issued two speeding tickets in the summer of 1964, for which he was fined $10 each. He also had two “negligent collisions” in the month after he turned 16 in July 1962.
Then there is his medical history, set out in more detail than many Americans might want to know. He had his tonsils removed as a young boy, had appendicitis when he was 10 and at 14 had an operation to remove a cyst from his chest, leaving a scar. At the time he applied for entrance into the guard, he had a hemorrhoid, the location of which was charted with military precision.
I will wait patiently for the New York Times to be fair and balanced and drill that deeply into the minutia of Senator Kerry’s activities thirty-some years ago. Unfortunately, that will happen about the same time this happens.
Sarah’s husband’s unit was deployed to Iraq today. She writes beautifully about what must be a hard day for both of them, as well as for the other members of her husband’s unit and their families.
Stick your head in the door over there and say hello.
Read his letter to the editor. He knows a bit more about the Air National Guard than do geniuses like Katie Couric and Andrea Mitchell.
I wanna know who was that guy who must have sneaked up on me and knocked me unconscious several hours ago when I sat down in the recliner “for a few minutes” to watch the end of Dateline NBC? As a result I did not find out whether the author who was charged with murdering his wife with a fireplace tool was convicted.
It was a long week.
This morning I awoke to a “serious†discussion on the radio about what President Bush’s dental records did and did not prove about what the man did for a handful of weekends in 1972.
On the way to work, in an effort to avoid the commercials that all stations seemed to be playing as the same time, I switched on NPR (What was I thinking?), where I was treated to a series of callers doing variations on the “Bush lied, people died†theme.
Then, this afternoon, I learned about the Kerry – intern allegation, which will likely knock the President’s teeth and Janet’s tit off the front pages for a while.
As Sarah would say, “It’s just too much to Grok.â€
I think we need to take a collective deep breath, get our shit together, and watch our backs, for I fear we have again become sitting ducks or, worse yet, we are in the process of self-destructing.
I’m gonna have a drink.
When I find myself regularly searching through my bookmarks or my archives for a site I referred to previously, it is time to make additions to the blogroll. With that, I would like to welcome the following sites to the ol’ blogroll:
Mostly Cajun, All American and Opinionated. The author, Dale, is an interesting guy and a straight shooter, literally (a regular at a local shooting range) and figuratively. He knows how to pilot a sailboat and drive a tank, which I think is pretty cool. Maybe there are others who enjoy both skills, but I haven’t run into any of them. He also spent some time as a drill sergeant, which means that he has most likely developed the fine art of scaring the dogshit out of raw-croots, and in the process, teaching them the skills they need to stay alive.
Dale blogs from southwest Louisiana, and he is most definitely opinionated. So, all things considered, the title of his blog fits him like a glove. I wonder if he listens to The Radiators (fish head music) and Dr. John, a couple excellent Louisiana exports.
TL Hines. The author is a Montana blogger and has a great site with varied and well-written content. The first installment of his Dark Horse Dialogues (interviews with Dark Horse presidential candidates) was a home run. Good stuff there.
Thoughts From the Middle of Nowhere (Sarpy Sam). You might ask what the heck a Jersey native, who doesn’t know shit from Shinola about cows, doing reading a blog authored by a Montana cattle rancher. The truth is that I have always been impressed with people who know a whole lot about things that I don’t know anything about. And, let me tell you. Cattle ranching and the life of a cattle rancher are things I definitely know nothing about, so for me, the site is a natural. But don’t get the idea that the blog is “All Cows All the Time,†because Sarpy Sam, the author, also has an interesting take on many things that don’t say “moo.â€
A few days ago, Two Nervous Dogs asked the following question: “Am I the only person who still feels like it’s 6AM EST on September 11, 2001, and that we’d better watch our backs and stop arguing about trivial shit?â€
Today, Two Nervous Dogs provides a bit of doggerel (no pun intended – well, maybe just a bit) that deals with the same issue.
Go read.
Paulie is one of my friends from the Legion Post. He served four years in the Navy as a Tin Can Sailor and then spent the next fifteen years or so in the Army National Guard, retiring as a Sergeant First Class (three stripes up and two down, for the non-Army folks).
He’s one of our volunteer bartenders, but he has difficulty making drinks any more complicated than popping the top on a longneck “Bud” (his favorite libation). Hell, we have to walk him through the steps of making a “scotch and soda.†That’s OK though, because his antics, his rapid fire wisecracks and his boundless sense of humor more than makes up for any difficulty he has making drinks that have more than one ingredient.
Paulie tells great stories, and he becomes very animated in the process. Just last Sunday, he was telling me a story, at his customary machine gun speed, when he said, “So, the guy worked for the government. You know. He worked for that agency that does the mortgages – Fanny Farmer.â€
When I said, “Paulie, you horse’s ass. It’s not Fanny Farmer. They make f***ing candy. It’s Fannie Mae,†we all laughed hysterically, Paulie laughing the loudest.
That brought to mind a similar incident that took place a year or so ago. Paulie was criticizing one of the guys who claimed to know what someone (possibly a politician) had planned with regard to a particular issue. Paulie, again at lightening speed, said of the guy, “This guy thinks he’s some kind of mind reader.†Turning to the guy, he said, “How the hell do you know what’s gonna happen? You got ESPN or some shit?†As I recall, that laugh lasted a full five minutes and sent at least one guy to the bathroom.
He’s a great guy. I feel fortunate to be his friend.
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