March 1, 2004

This Just In.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 10:57 pm

Brian, the Air Force Vet, strikes again!

Trying to Grok Has Moved.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 10:22 pm

Sarah, the mondo excellent author of Trying to Grok has moved off BlogSpot. Her new place is here. Adjust your blogrolls and bookmarks accordingly.

Good luck in the new place, Sarah.


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:26 pm

At approximately 7:30 a.m., Eastern Time, someone, apparently from Texas, having been sent here via The Patriette, popped in and thereby became the 50,000th visitor to this tiny corner of the blogosphere. I will never cease to be amazed and flattered beyond description to see that people are willing to give up a couple valuable minutes of their time to read what tumbles forth on these “pages.”

I thank you all very, very much.

Oh, and another thing. The Patriette goes up on the Blogroll, not just for sending number 50,000 my way (or perhaps even being number 50,000), but also because it is a very good read. Besides, Two Nervous Dogs has the site blogrolled. ‘Nuf said, except maybe, “Woof.”

Excellent Idea.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 2:51 am

Mostly Cajun suggests a great career move for Al Sharpton.

Works for me.

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