March 11, 2004

New Blog.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:32 pm

Please welcome to the blogosphere a brand new blog entitled, “Road Warrior Rules for Survival.” I am always pleased and flattered by being included in someone’s blogroll, but there is something particularly pleasing and flattering about being listed (along with some truly excellent bloggers) on the blogroll of a brand new blog.

Thanks, Tammi. And, good luck to you.

Colonel Glenn Lackey.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:01 pm

Take a look at the letter to John Kerry from Colonel Glenn Lackey, U.S. Army, Retired. Colonel Lackey did combat tours in Vietnam, Somalia and the Gulf War. He, like most veterans I know, does not consider himself to be among Mr. Kerry’s “Band of Brothers”.

The letter was originally published by Jay Bryant at I found it over at doubleplusgood infotainment.

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