September 10, 2004

At Home with John and Teresa. No. 5

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 1:19 pm

Teresa: “That was Hillary on the phone.”

John: “She called you?”

Teresa: “Asshole, there you go again with that mouth. Why wouldn’t she call me? I have plenty of oh-PIN-ions on lots of things.”

John: “Sorry, Muffin. What did she want?”

Teresa: “Well, if you must know, she did call to speak with you. But, while I had her on the phone, I told her that when we move into the White House, I intend to replace the domestic staff with my people.”

John: “You told her that?”

Teresa: “Yeah, and I told you that many times already.”

John: “I know, Muffin, but I thought we could discuss……”

Teresa: “Discuss? You must be out of your mind.”

John: “Well, what did she say?”

Teresa: “She laughed her ass off. I hung up on the bitch before she could say anything.”


September 9, 2004

60 Minutes Documents.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 11:27 pm

It appears that the “recently unearthed” documents that were used on the recent 60 Minutes broadcast to cast doubt on the legitimacy of President Bush’s military service were forgeries, and bad ones at that. There are too many links to list, but a good place to start is over at Power Line. Scroll, read, and follow the links.

At Home with John and Teresa No. 4

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 5:06 pm

John: “Please pass the ketchup.”

Teresa: “Is that some kind of sick friggin’ joke?”

John: “Just a little playful teasing, Muffin.”

Teresa: “Watch your step, sonny boy. I’ll cut your sorry ass loose in a New York minute.”


September 8, 2004

At Home with John and Teresa. No. 3

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:06 pm

John: “Owww! My back is killing me.”

Teresa: “Christ! There you go, whining again. I told you to have Pierre call Doctor Jameson.”

John: “I did. I did. ….. PIERRE!”

Pierre: “You called, sir?”

Teresa: “Pierre, you look like shit. Your apron is wrinkled and you need a shave. I will not tolerate that in this house.”

Pierre: “I’m sorry Madam. But, just as you directed, I have been up all night on eBay buying up copies of Master John’s book.”

Teresa: “That’s no excuse. You’ll just have to work more efficiently. Now, what about the doctor for the Senator?”

Pierre: “I called, Madam. Dr. Jameson is not seeing patients. It seems that he is too busy with litigation.”

John: “Dammit, Pierre. Go call Doctor Nussbaum.”

Pierre: “I did, sir.”

John: “And?”

Pierre: “He will be giving a deposition for the rest of the week.”

John: “Call Dr. Green. I’ve known him for years. He’ll see me right away.”

Pierre: “I called Dr. Green, sir, and he is in meetings with his lawyers.”

John: “Goddamned ambulance chasers. Get me John Edwards on the phone. He must know at least one doctor who will treat him. I really need a doctor.”

Pierre: “I called Senator Edwards, sir, but I could not reach him.”

John: “What the hell do you mean you could not reach him?”

Pierre: “He’s in court, sir.”

September 7, 2004

Jawja Blogtoberfest Update.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:07 pm

Here’s where things stand.

Airline tickets? Check

Rental Car? Check**

Toughen guitar fingers? In progress

New guitar strings? Later (I prefer Martin light gauge)

German? Ich bin bereits.

Grits? Gearing up for the experience

Half-rubber? WTF??

I will be joined by one of the Usual Suspects, Ken, the anal-retentive Deckmaster, Air Force Vet, party guy, and great friend.

** Used and bid $20.00 per day for a “full sized” car, and the bid was accepted.

September 6, 2004

At Home with John and Teresa. No.2

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:29 pm

Teresa: “John, you’re just sitting there staring at your food. OK, I’m sorry I said you made an ass of yourself with your midnight speech. You have to eat something.”


Teresa: “Come on, John. You’re going to need your strength.”


Teresa: “Dammit, John. Look! It’s your favorite foie gras. I had Pierre order it special from Bizac in France. You always said that French foie gras is the best.”

John: “Are you questioning my patriotism?”

Spam Attack – Deleted Comments.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 4:04 pm

Today I was hit with a massive comment spam bomb. Hundreds of posts were affected. The attack somehow got around my e-mail system, and, worse yet, buried some legitimate URLs in with the spam URL.

While de-spamming, I noticed (unfortunately, too late) that I deleted genuine comments I had not yet read from Shamrocketship, Res Ipsa Loquitur, and Velociworld, each of whom likely received the e-mail indicating that their comments were blocked due to “questionable content”. I apologize for that, and I believe that I have fixed the problem.

If you are experiencing a problem leaving comments here, please send me an e-mail, and I will try to fix things.

I would like to see the sub-human scum behind the spam attack spend more than a few years in the Greybar Hotel.

September 5, 2004

Straight Ahead.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 12:31 pm

Usual suspects2 small.jpg
Unfortunately, we have overcast skies today, but the Usual Suspects are proceeding as planned with the Labor Day Weekend Bash. The pool is heated, the deck is covered, the beer will be cold, the vodka will be plentiful, the food will be great, the music will play, and we will all be there to officially close out the summer season.

Good friends don’t mind bad weather.

September 4, 2004

Sound Familiar?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 3:50 pm

How often have you had the same conversation that appears over at Power Line?

He’s Still Heeeeere.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 3:34 pm

Well, here it is September 4th, and we awakened to find that Governor McGreevey did not do the right thing a pre-midnight exit, stage left. Of course that means we will have him around until November 15th, after which time our governor will be Richard Codey, who, while serving as governor, will retain his post as president of the state senate. Can anybody say, “separation of powers?” It’s required by the New Jersey Constitution, and frankly, I am surprised that this suit did not raise this issue.

Roberto of DynamoBuzz thinks that November 15th will come and Governor McGreevey will decide to take back his “resignation” and stay for the remainder of his term. Fausta of The Bad Hair Blog agrees. Would I be surprised if Governor McGreevey pulls a switcheroo?

Nothing oozing from the Jersey Political Swamp would surprise me.

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