Teresa: “John, dammit! Quit sitting around here moping about those nasty swift boat guys beating you up. When are you going to get off your ass and do something about it? Why don’t you sue that O’Neill guy? We’ve got a lots of lawyers.â€
Teresa: “Jesus Christ, John. You’re acting like a big baby. You can’t just sit there and hope they stop!â€
Teresa: “So?â€
Teresa: “Listen here, sonny boy, you’re making ME look bad now, and I am not going to put up with it.â€
Teresa: “Dammit, why don’t you just get all your military records and use them to prove, for once and for all, that those swift boat guys are nothing but big, fat liars?â€
Teresa: “What do I have to do? Cut your allowance?â€
John: “I think I’m gonna be sick.â€
2004.08.29 00:56:43 MT-Blacklist comment denial on Parkway Rest Stop: glucophagepharmacy.com
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2004.08.29 02:23:13 MT-Blacklist comment denial on Parkway Rest Stop: i-dish-network.org
What you see above is a snippet from my Activity Log showing that MT Blacklist is zapping comment spam before it ever appears on the site. MT Blacklist is the product of the mind of Jay Allen, who ought to be given the blogger equivalent of a Nobel Prize.
Thanks, Mr. Allen.
In a comment to this 2003 post about Fort Holabird (which most people won’t bump into), a reader makes the following request. Perhaps someone can help.
My dad attended the agent handlers course at Fort Holabird in the late 1950s, in fact during the 1958 NY Giants- Baltimore Colts world championship. He returned for refresher training prior to going to Viet Nam in 1966. Does anyone remember him, his name was Norman J. Melody? Does anyone have any photos of Fort Holabird?
In fact, there are two similar requests for information there. Please take a peek to see if you can provide some of the requested information.
Thanks much.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Winslow School Kindergarten orientation. As some of you know, Mrs. Brenda Green, who has been teaching Kindergarten here at Winslow for thirty-five years, has retired. I’d like to introduce you to her replacement.
Via Attu

Of course you know him. It is Ludwig van Beethoven, even though it looks nothing like the paintings you may have seen of him. It is but one of a collection of Death Masks that appear here. Death masks, as the name suggests, are plaster casts made from the face of a deceased person. Unlike portraits or statues, in which the artist or sculptor might tone down the less attractive attributes of the subject (who quite often was paying the artist), death masks are a “true portrait†of a person at the time of death.
Some of them are quite amazing.
Via The Presurfer
TigerHawk and The Bad Hair Blog have details on the rumor that, after the governor FINALLY leaves office on November 15th, Richard Codey, his unelected replacement, will appoint Mr. McGreevey to a position in the Stem Cell Institute, possibly as its head.
Codey hasn’t even taken office yet and already it looks like it will business as usual in the Trenton Political Swamp. I guess that’s the “smooth transition.†McGreevey talked about.
Smooth, indeed.