Helluva Gift. (Updated)
Daughter and her husband took time out from getting their new house in order to buy me a most excellent birthday gift. In addition to giving me a bottle of Maker’s Mark Bourbon, my regular brand, they also went a little wild and gave me a bottle of Basil Hayden’s Small Batch Bourbon. I have been sipping it (neat, of course) since the weekend as my “End-of-the-Day-Calmer-Downer.â€
Although it is a bit pricey for regular consumption, it sure is nice to receive as a gift. It is most flavorful, and downright smooooooooth. The professional reviewers agree, as do the regular bourbon drinkers who have tried it.
Damned fine whiskey, that. To the bourbon drinkers out there, I recommend that you put it on your Christmas list, as I’m sure you’ll enjoy it more than another sweater, and size is not an issue. 750mL will fit just fine.
Update: I would like to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. However, lest I mislead, I want to mention that my birthday was actually Saturday, October 16, and I spent it here with a group of hard drinking, heavy smoking, loud talking, gorilla-stompin’ party animals fine folks. I actually even remember some of it, including the part where everyone sang “Happy Birthday,” even though some of them may not remember singing it. It was, after all, a day that was capped off by copious amounts of deadly Georgia “wine†cocktails.
I had visited daughter this past weekend, and they (she and husband) gave me my excellent gift at that time. I only got to posting about at after I enjoyed about 1/3 of the bottle.
Thanks again. Helluva gift, helluva birthday, y’all.