Firing Both Barrels.
Take a read through the open letter that Kat, of Middle Ground, wrote to the guy who was given the Red Carpet Treatment at the democrat convention.
Way to go, Kat.
Take a read through the open letter that Kat, of Middle Ground, wrote to the guy who was given the Red Carpet Treatment at the democrat convention.
Way to go, Kat.
Here is a cake that will definitely be a show stopper at the next P.T.A. meeting, covered dish party, or, most definitely, at the next Cat Fanciers’ Meeting. Take a look.
This is a real cake, and the recipe is under the fold.
Thanks to my friend Brian, the Air Force Vet.
Go read “The Combat Life Saver”. It is an amazing piece of writing that tells a terrifying and heroic tale.
Laughing Wolf sent me there, and for that I am grateful. And, as LW advised, be sure to read the final three paragraphs of the Update. If you’re anything like I am, reading this will leave you pretty well drained.
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