Road Trip!
Eight of the Usual Suspects will be leaving soon for what is becoming an annual road trip. A couple suitcases and a very large box full of drinkables and we’re good to go. I expect much drinking, eating, bullshitting, cigar smoking, salooning, and the requisite amount of shopping in cutesy stores.
If you find yourself in the area, there is a good chance you’ll find us here. We’ll be the noisy bunch in the corner.
A Note With Respect to Comments: Seeing as how I won’t be on guard to battle the never-ending hoard of satanic comment spammers, Craig (The Nicest Guy in the Blogosphere), has kindly offered to render my comments inoperable until our return. I hate to do that, but you all know how it is when you give these vermin a two-day free pass.
See you in a couple.