I’m just going to have to get along for another day with non-updated virus definitions. The thought of trying to wade through geekspeak on the Norton Anti-Virus support page and rummaging about in my C Drive appeals to me right now about as much as a swift kick in the stindeens.
Maybe tomorrow.
Tonight I have a bit of Life 101 to deal with. If that doesn’t end up running late (or involving cocktails), I may take a deep breath and noodle around with Mr. Computer.
You see, the anti-virus software, which I was so proud of myself for “successfully” installing, is not able to retrieve virus definition updates. According to the relevant “support page,” I have to delete some files on my C drive, a prospect that sends a very uncomfortable chill down my spine.
Knowing that my lack of techno-facility is exceeded only by my lack of patience, and my fear of causing a computer meltdown, I figure that I could end up looking like this guy.**
h/t Drunken Wisdom and Ramblings of an Ordinary