Pool Time.
This week has been a scorcher. Temperatures have been in the 90’s with jungle-like humidity. Today is sunny, warm and relatively dry. That means we will be headed to The Deck (at Casa de Bodyguard and the Deckmistress) for some decadent eating, drinking and standing around and bullshitting in the pool swimming and aquatic aerobics to excellent music with the Usual Suspects.
Before I go, I would like to send out a special wish for a serious case of festering carbuncles to the twenty-something asshole earlier today who thought it was a swell idea to repeatedly lean on his horn because, the drivers in the four cars ahead of him at the traffic light didn’t simultaneously accelerate when the light turned green as if they were driving fuel dragsters from the starting line at Island Dragway.
If I had my way, Sonny Boy, while the doctor was treating those carbuncles, he’d have to remove the horn you love so dearly from your ass.