If it’s Wednesday, it must be …
Barcelona? Munich? New Jersey? Yes, all of the above.
It’s safe to say that following a two-day whirlwind visit with Eric and Mrs. SWG, complete with more than a couple cocktails, surviving this international foray (which, of course also involved, a goodly amount of “refreshmentsâ€) taxed my partying abilities to the max. The clock in the kitchen says 6:15 p.m., but for me it’s after midnight.
Of course, any thoughts of serious blogging I may have had were dashed when I was confronted with six or seven hundred comment spams, which were pouring in over the transom and had had to be dealt with. If you find that you have been “banned,†please let me know, and I will fix it. It’s a fatigue thing.
I trust I will have a bit to say about Barcelona and whatever when my atomic case of jet lag passes.