Gifts, Chaos, Exhaustion, Morning Rubble, and More Exhaustion.
Yes, Christmas at the House by the Parkway was quite an adventure. TJ and Mr. Surly arrived in the morning to exchange gifties and to help with the final preparations for the onslaught on folks who would be appearing in the upcoming hours.
I was happy and most grateful to receive good things to read and a couple excellent things to drink. I was, however, completely bowled over by the gift of a PEZ dispenser that looks like a soldier, along with grape, orange and lemon refills! Bless us, everyone.
The house went from quiet to bedlam in the space of five minutes, when everyone arrived exactly on time. My friend and bodyguard Ken helped me for hours on end in the kitchen doing scullery duty and making, oh, about a zillion drinks. The big drinks of the day were pomegranate martinis and apple martinis, all served in the nifty new ball-based martini glasses, courtesy of The Original Bill and The Quietly Sinister Linda. For most the day/night it was like tending bar at T.G.I. Friday’s during Happy Hour.
Then, out came enough food to feed a Company of hungry paratroopers just back from a week in the bush.
When it was all over, between the booze and exhaustion, I could barely remain vertical. I believe I slept for eleven hours, only to awaken to something that looked like post-Katrina New Orleans. It took a few hours of very slow moving to clear away most of the rubble.
It was, of course, wonderful.