January 15, 2006


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 5:19 pm

I had planned on writing a snarky entry about the rather long-lasting and unpleasant consequences of having eaten a large portion of turnips last night. I was going to opine that perhaps I was unreasonably contributing to global warming.

Then I came across this.

Coincidence? Perhaps. Then again, to quote my friend Paulie, maybe I have “ESPN”.

Happy Boitday, Jack.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 12:43 pm

Today is Cousin Jack’s birthday

Jack, who got me started with this curious hobby, left Jersey many years ago to head west to attend Stanford Law School. After having spent some time at a fancy-schmancy law firm in Portland, he switched gears to become a well-known and highly respected Tax Law Professor. He also became the family liberal, but we don’t hold that against him. 🙂

Small World Department: A couple weeks ago, Jack posted a picture of his 1966 grammar school graduating class from St.Aloysius school in Newark (Down Neck). One of the Usual Suspects (The Original Bill) took a look at the picture on Jack’s Blog and immediately recognized one of his relatives. Turns out that the relative he recognized married the brother of a guy I have know for years.

As Dax would say, “Just Damn!”

You might want to drop by Jack’s place to wish him a Happy Boitday.

Update: I fixed the link to Jack’s post containing the photo of his grammar school graduating class. Sorry for error.

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