January 31, 2006


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:44 pm

Judge Sam Alito, a Garden Stater, and Judge on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals for fifteen years, became Justice Sam Alito today, no thanks to New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg (who missed his farina feeding so he could be wheeled in for the vote) and our newly appointed Hudson County Political Boss Senator, Bob Menendez, whose first act as a Senator was to vote against the stated preference of the majority of the state’s citizens.

As dismal as the performance of Senators Lautenberg and Menendez may be, I take solace in knowing that, unbelievable as it may seem, there is a state that harbors an even greater number of head-in-your-ass, knee-jerk Democrat voters than there are in Jersey.

Take a bow, Massachusetts.

h/t Enlighten-New Jersey for the poll results.

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