
As my drill sergeant used to say, “LISTEN UP, PEOPLES!â€
Now that I have your attention, I would like to point out that the VA Mortgage Center Blog is sponsoring a contest for the best military blog. Among the excellent blogs in the running is Sgt. Hook, and I would appreciate it if you would head over there and cast your vote for him (He’s the fourth one down on the list).
I have been a regular reader of Sgt. Hook for almost four years now, and he never disappoints. This active duty Command Sergeant Major** has the heart of a warrior, the soul of a poet and the skills of an accomplished author.
He is up against some stiff competition, including Matt of Blackfive, a gentleman with whom I have happily shared a pint. Hell, they’re all good peeps. But, this time I’d like your help putting Sgt. Hook into the Winner’s Circle.
Yo! A woid to youse Jersey Bloggers. Youse might be interested to know that Sgt. Hook is a native of – you guessed it – The Garden State!
It won’t take long to get over there now and vote, and you’ll only have to do it once, as only one vote per IP address is permitted.
Well, what are you waiting for, gott-dammit?
**Anyone who has been in the Army knows that one does not tangle ass with a Command Sergeant Major.