Somebody’s Been Eating My Porridge
Well peeps…looks like this’ll be my last post here. Our pal Jimbo (well, your pal, my soon to be worst nightmare) should be getting back from beautiful, sunny Florida in the next few days. I’ll, naturally, have to go into hiding…I’m thinking he’ll never find me if I disappear into the bowels of the New York City subway system, incognito as a homeless person.
The Parkway Rest Stop thing is some bigass crazy shoes to fill and, I’ll be honest, I’m worn the hell out. I’ll be going back to my own 65-70 boooshit hits-per-day blog, but listen…I feel like I’ve developed a kinship with all of you, so do try and keep me in your prayers, as I’m convinced that I will most definitely need them.
If I ever find my way to the State of Montana, I am definitely going to have to raise a couple of pints with the Chief Mischief Makers and Hellions-in-Crime Holy Trinity of the Montana Blogosphere Craig, Dave and Randy (The latter being the absolute most devilish of them all! Don’t let the piety fool you), and non-Montanans Teresa and PRS reader Bill, all of whom have provided me with lots of laughs and support, despite my popping major ’roidage over what unknown Sopranos-style massacre awaits me. After all, I didn’t exactly ask Jimbo’s permission for this lofty gig, so he will be in for quite a Great Farookin’ Hair©-raising shock when he gets back.
From what I understand, Craig has a monster of a grand finale in store for Jimbo, too, so do stick around for that. Some of Dave’s troooooly bizarre artwork will be showcased, and so that will be a special treat.
Aight…I’m outta here. Just remember, put in the good word for me, mmmm-kay? It’s been real, peeps.