August 15, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 6:49 pm

Dear Jimbo:

This note is to let you know that I’ve decided to take the day off.

Am I sick? Well, that’s sort of half of the problem. I’m sick and tired of being called upon damned near every farookin’ day at all hours of the day and night (and weekends too) to come up with stuff that doesn’t stink for your crummy blog.

Benefits? Forget it. You provide zero, zip, nada. Hell, I don’t even get a goddamned footnote for the occasional times I hit a long ball for you. You just wanna sit around drinking all sorts of spirits and hang with the Usual Suspects while I do all the heavy lifting around here, for absolutely no money, no benefits, no recognition and no goddamned respect. Hell, an illegal alien wouldn’t take this gig.

I may even take tomorrow off. And, maybe even the next day and the day after that. Waddya gonna do then, Mr. Great Farookin’ Hair? Post one of those “What Kind of Festering Pustule are You?” quizzes?


Very truly yours,

Your Muse

Cool Wheels.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 12:10 am

I only learned of this today – a car with a built-in guitar amplifier! And, the car comes with an electric guitar! How could I have missed this?

I may have to trade in the Big, Fat, Black Capitalist Car and get one of these units. The possibilities are endless.

I can see it now.

Promotional Stuff – Jimbo coming soon to the Raritan Toll Plaza! Future concert venues include the Sears parking lot in Watchung and the parking space directly opposite Ziggy’s Hot Dog Emporium in Seaside Heights! Get your tickets now!

News Stories — Jimbo wows the crowd outside the local 7-11! Sahid Green, the manager of the convenience store stated, “Sales were flat until Jimbo showed up with his musical car. He has such wide appeal. Not only are our Slurpee sales going through the roof, but we also are selling lots of soft food to his older fans. It’s fantastic!”


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