I sat down in front of the computer hoping that the mush inside my cruller would magically congeal into something writeworthy and, more importantly, something readworthy. Just as I was about to surrender to the unyielding brain goop and step away from the computer, I glanced at my watch and the little date thingy on its face.
Well, I’ll be damned. It seems that, as of today, I have been at this blogging thing for five farookin’ years. It all started with this post, and here I am more than 2,100 posts and almost 11,000 comments later. Who’d a thunk it?
This exercise has provided me with countless hours of excellent reading, more laughs than a person has a right to have and a chance to have some fun tossing my written turds into the collective punchbowl. Most importantly, blogging has introduced me to a collection of truly amazing, talented, funny and thoughtful people both in the real world and in the cyber world.
I offer my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has found this place to be worth a piece of their valuable time. I am genuinely grateful.
Ironic that it is today that I found myself wondering if the number of writeworthy things is finite and, if so, whether I have hit the proverbial wall. The good news is that being reminded of this hardly noteworthy occasion provided me with something to write about today.
We’ll see what tomorrow brings.