Corzine, the Big Cheeze in Switzerland.
This is downright comical.
Governor Corzine won’t just be attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland next week. He’s a featured guest:
[Corzine] … is expected to give opening remarks and participate in sessions on urban mobility and global warming at the international event in Davos. He will participate in the forum through Thursday, and also plans to tout New Jersey during his trip.
The governor’s office said New Jersey ranks sixth in foreign investment, with more than $42.6 billion invested in the state by 1,400 foreign firms from 40 different countries.
I cannot help but wonder if he will be telling the assemblage what an economic catastrophe New Jersey is and how he acts more like the president of the state workers’ union, rather than the state’s chief executive.
I cannot help but wonder if he will be telling the assemblage how he plans to tax the state into prosperity.
Finally, I cannot help but wonder if he will be telling the assemblage how many of the foreign companies that in the past have invested in New Jersey have chosen to move their manufacturing operations to other states or offshore, because New Jersey has taxed and regulated them to death.
Yeah, foreign businesses should come to New Jersey. We have a corrupt state government, a murderous tax system, and dozens of regulatory agencies just waiting to say hello.