Yesterday at 5:35 p.m., while I was in the process of digesting a most excellent Easter dinner at the house of daughter TJ and son-in-law (Mr. Surly), the ol’ SiteMeter clocked the 500,000th visit to this site.
The 500,000th visitor came via Atlantic Broadband from Centreville, Maryland, using Windows XP and a Firefox Browser. He/she was referred here by our buddy Mostly Cajun, and I thank him for that.
To all who have come here on purpose to read my silly scribblings, thank you. I also thank those who may have stumbled on the place by accident and decided to return. In addition, a big thank you to the bloggers who have linked to stuff I’ve written and/or placed PRS on their blogrolls.
A very special thanks to the Nicest Guy in the Blogosphere who keeps the place up and running and to my friend Mike, the Computer Mavin, who is responsible for plugging in all those wires behind my desk into the things on my desk that make all this cyber nonsense possible.