Tired of Fightin’.
Yeah, I’m tired of the battle.
What say we give the bad guys what they want:
1. Put George Bush on trial in some foreign shithole for war crimes or something. Then we’ll have Dan Rather and Leslie Stahl do the play-by-play of his execution.
2. Absolutely free everygoddamnedthing for every goddamnedbody, paid for by those who actually earned the goddamned money to pay for it.
3. Live in the cold and the dark, reading only in natural daylight, to reduce our goddamned carbon footprint so that we can combat goddamned “climate change.â€
4. Declare that watching Fox News shall be a felony, and Kieth Olbermann shall be put in charge of Official Information.
5. Jail every Wingnut sonofabitch who dares talk about the Tenth Amendment and a republican (small “râ€) form of government. These are dangerous people.
6. Fire up that Alberto Gonzales prosecution. Bastard fired some at-will employees. Who the hell does he think he is?
7. Give Tim Geithner a full pardon. Oh yeah, Charlie Rangel too. Hell, anyone can make a mistake.
8. Let Mexico have Arizona. After all, we have plenty of other states. Fifty-six others, at last count.
9. Give everyone a Cadillac. What the hell? We run the place.
10. Canonize Obama. Anything less would be racist.