Pelosi: Wow! It’s the Easter Bunny. Did you bring me something for Easter?
Easter Bunny: I sure did. I made a special batch of chocolate covered eggs just for you.
Pelosi: A special batch? Just for me?
Easter Bunny: Yes, they’re very special, and they are just for you.
Pelosi: Goody! I love chocolate covered eggs. Oh my, they’re beautiful. (Takes bite) GAK! These eggs are full of shit!
Easter Bunny: Indeed. Happy Easter.
I’ve been reading Dax’s blog ever since I started this one in 2002. I met Dax in 2004 at an infamous blogmeet in Helen, Georgia and have seen him several times since then. Dax has also has done a bit of pickin’ with me and Denny (the “younger” half of the Elderly Brothers). Good guy.
Dax has a new domain, and he states the reason for the change here. So to keep up with Dax Montana, please update your blogrolls/bookmarks/rss feeds to http://www.justdamn.com. Do it now.
As Dax would say, “Just Damn!â€
This site is again experiencing a spam attack. You peeps don’t see it, but the behind-the-scenes battle is furious. It is like dealing with a swarm of locusts. One of the downsides of the information age is that some drooling troglodyte, with the click of a mouse, can essentially barge into thousands (more like millions) of cyber homes and shit on the carpets.
May every gottdamned one of them die a slow, painful death.
My ever-so-happy thought of the day.