Vacation Update and Thoughts from the Original Bill.
Well, one week of the vacation is over, and the bulk of the Usual Suspects winged it back to Jersey today. We joined them for breakfast at our regular pre-airport breakfast place, and it was more than a little sad to see them head off to fly home. We’ve always done this place as a group.
We are now here with The Original Bill and Sinister Linda, along with some excellent peeps from Washington State who we who have come to know over the years. I expect we’ll have a great week, which will include cocktails (surprise!) and lots of relaxing, and maybe even a bit of guitar picking.
Anyway, because I have essentially put my mind in neutral, I have decided to simply share some of the thoughts of The Original Bill, who is quite possibly the best on-the-fly cook on the planet and who is a guy who has always has an opinion or ten about things, which he doesn’t mind sharing. Here are a couple from just today:
On the Men’s Room at the Breakfast Place: “Men’s rooms at places that serve breakfast always smell like shit. It doesn’t matter how clean they are; they always smell like shit. That’s because women never shit outside the house, but men can shit anywhere. It’s a rule.â€
On Beaches: “The sand is f**king important. I hate that grainy shit. The sand in Cape May is that grainy shit. I like Point Pleasant sand much better. It’s not that grainy shit. Besides, you’re not really at the beach unless you can see a Ferris wheel.â€
I’ll keep my ears open, as I suspect there will be more to come.