October 4, 2010

“Old 666” and Today’s Pigs.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:57 pm

Check out the video of the story of the B-17 Flying Fortress, named “Old 666,” and its crew. The men completed their special mission and managed to return Old 666 to base against all odds, but not without paying a significant price. Representatives of the “Greatest Generation,” their bravery and sacrifice should never be forgotten and absolutely never dishonored.

And yet, dishonoring the memory of the Greatest Generation is precisely what the participants in the “One Nation” rally did two days ago.

It positively sickens me.

“Old 666” via C&S

October 3, 2010

Ein Auto Fuer das Volk.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 5:28 pm

Check out The One photographed with the Government Motors Chevy Volt, a Moonbatmobile that no one in his/her right mind wants.

It’s not the first time in history a Fuehrer Leader pitches a car to the Volk people. The only thing missing is The One wearing an armband bearing his bullshit logo.

If you think that voting in November isn’t important, you need your farookin’ head examined.

October 1, 2010

Some Serious Table Thumping.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 6:58 pm

I have been playing drums since I was sixteen, and that is probably the reason I’ve been thumping tables for a like amount of time, much to the annoyance of many (for which I regularly apologize).

These two peeps take table thumping to new levels. Pretty cool.

Thanks to Catfish for the link

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