June 6, 2011

67 Years Ago.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 12:18 pm

A date that should never be forgotten.

A seventeen-year old who was there on that day would be 84 years old today. If you are fortunate enough to know a person who participated in the invasion, take the time to get his story and write it down before time runs out. History demands it.

June 4, 2011

Saturday Spirit Lifter.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:15 pm

Ahhh, would that it could be so.

Thanks to my pal, Brian, the Air Force Vet

June 3, 2011

Miss Kitty Mourns, As Do We.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:46 pm

Damn, I am definitely getting old.

James Arness, the 6’7″ tall star of “Gunsmoke,” died today at age 88. When I was a boy visiting my grandparents in the “country,” the three TV shows that were never missed were the “Ozark Jubilee,”The Lawrence Welk Show” and, yes, “Gunsmoke.”

My paternal grandparents, both born at the end of the 19th Century, often had difficulty sorting out reality from that which was portrayed on that “newfangled” TV (e.g. My grandmother thought that professional wrestling was, you know, … real). I believe that they also thought that Matt Dillon (James Arness’s character in “Gunsmoke,”) was a historically accurate figure. They vocally rooted for him each week as he kept order in Dodge City.

Now that I am as old now as they were then, I know that Matt Dillon was not a real person, but I like to think that there are real-life Matt Dillons out there somewhere. We need a Marshal Dillon more now than ever before in my lifetime.

Instead, we have Eric Holder, Hope and Change.

June 2, 2011

Debbie Wasserman Schultz – A Twofer.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 11:49 pm

We’ve become accustomed to dumb politicians (e.g. Joe “Stand up, Chuck” Biden and Congresswoman Corrine Brown), but Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Chairthing of the Democrat National Committee, is not only as dumb as a sack of onions, but she is also thoroughly obnoxious. She’s dumbnoxious.

Then again, maybe her dumbnoxiousness is good news for the Republican Party.

June 1, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:13 pm

Being on the receiving end of a speeding bullet is always a bad thing and, as this video demonstrates (using plastic drums full of water – no gore here), size matters.

Via Catfish

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