Alas, I finally caved in and bought an iPhone. I will now join the legion of zombie screen rubbers. Of course, I have to figure out how to use the farookin’ thing, which is anything but a given. So far, I have managed to successfully download a weather app, which will come in handy when I’m in the house, but not near the computer or a window and I need to know if it’s raining.
I believe I may have posted this touching video a while back, but a regular reader and commenter sent me the link today, and, I decided that, even if I had posted it before, it’s worth repeating. The video was created by Lizzie Palmer, who was fifteen years old at the time of its creation.
Yeah, I know. Mr. Blog has been neglected for a bit. The reason is that we, at the House by the Parkway, have been hosting two most excellent young ladies bonnie lassies from Scotland. They are close to the end of their ten-month odyssey, which has included places like Australia, New Zealand, Bali, Bangkok, and much of the U.S. They had spent some quality time with Eric and Mrs. Swg, then they did Washington, D.C. and Atlantic City before coming to the House by the Parkway.
Quite simply, it was wayyy more fun hanging with the two of them (one of whom was quite the guitar player), drinking beer, face-stuffing and watching the “telly,” than were any thoughts of blogging. Their being here also kept me away from the news, except for the horror in Colorado and the predictable “Ban all guns” baloney. However; even with only a paltry bit of news, I’m quite certain that Obama is still a piece of shit.
I look forward to someday seeing our new Scottish friends again, either here or there.
I know precious little about horses and even less about dressage, but one doesn’t need to know much about either to appreciate the amazing performance by this horse. It appears to have more rhythm than most peeps.