Pop Culturally Challenged.
With each passing day, it becomes more obvious to me that I am hopelessly out of the pop culture loop. For example, up until a week or so ago I had never heard of Chris Brown, Jenny Johnson or someone named “Rihanna.†Having spent a few minutes wading around in the nonsense surrounding a Twitter Feud (I can’t believe I just typed the words “Twitter Feudâ€), and even fewer minutes listening to the “music†of the person named “Rihanna,†I’m O.K. with not getting the pop culture memos.
Speaking of the person who calls herself “Rihanna,†I’m trying to think of a singer who uses only one name who either doesn’t stink or isn’t an asshole. Let’s see … there are Cher, Sting, Bono and Beyonoce … all assholes who take themselves way too seriously. Oh, and there is “Slash,†the big-haired, top hat wearing guitar player from Guns N’ Roses. I guess I don’t know whether he’s an asshole, and, besides, his real name is Saul Hudson. I just don’t think he would have made it as big calling himself simply “Saul.†I did get a kick out of Liberace, though.
While we’re on the subject of pop culture, I don’t get the fascination today with vampires and zombies. There seems to be a clutch of television shows and movies about blood sucking humans and previously dead people staggering about looking for brains to eat. I also hear people talking about the “Zombie Apocalypse.†What the hell is that? Should I invest in a security system?
For me, the vampire thing began and ended with Bela Lugosi, and “The Night of the Living Dead†said all that needed to be said about zombies (and, frankly, scared the dogshit out of me).
For my part, I’ve been busy trying to figure out whether ancient aliens did made those high-tech stone cuttings in those stones that weigh about a gazillion tons that are in places with names that all sound like Pitchoo Patchoo, or Moochoo Choochoo. I don’t need no stinkin’ zombies.
Oh, one more thing — about the image of the Ten Ball at the beginning of this post. November 27th came and went without incident around here at the House by the Parkway (another day of non-posting). Only today did I remember that I began this blog exercise on that date ten years ago. So, that’s the story on the Ten Ball.