December 11, 2012

Hanukkah Hotties.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 10:41 pm

Our very cool Jooish pal, The Jersey Nut, is again posting “Hanukkah Hotties.” As you may have guessed, it is a celebration of beautiful Jooish women, one for each night of the Festival of Lights. You may be late to the game, so I’ll help you catch up:

Hanukkah Hottie No. 1

Hanukkah Hottie No. 2

Hanukkah Hottie No. 3

Hanukkah Hottie No. 4

Bookmark the site, and return for the remaining four.

Maybe I can convince him to do the Twelve Days of Christmas.

Oh, and when not posting Hanukkah Hotties, the Jersey Nut does some gorilla-stompin’ writing. Be sure to check it out.

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